Our only agenda yesterday afternoon as the thermometer continued to rise: beat the heat. So, that's what Bill and I did.
First, I brought the horses from their pastures so they could hang out in the relative comfort of their shaded stalls. Ice water went to the tub in the dog run, as did Liam and Foster soon after.
Three dogs in the pickup on a hot July day would hardly beat the heat. So, we took Kiwi, whose behavior is always so exemplary.
Plus, old gals deserve a break, and so Kiwi stretched out in the back seat and snoozed in the comfort of air conditioning. Occasionally, she munched on some tater chips.
Bill suggested going up to Deer Creek and on into Canuck Basin, northeast of Bonners Ferry. Last year we did our huckleberrying up in that area, along with Liam.
It had been a while since we visited Canuck Basin. I recalled one time when I walked the road by myself at the pass, only to see a big moose and to scramble back to the pickup as fast as possible.
We also recalled a day a few years back when my sisters, Kiwi and Barbara's dog Pita took a hike Trail No. 35 from Canuck Pass up to the Scout, where we ate our lunch in a spot where we could see open country for 360 degrees.
It was a good memory, indeed, and I took time to mention the hike to Kiwi, who seemed pretty oblivious to my nostalgic notions.
Later, we drove down into the basin and reached a turnaround point with a shot-up slow sign cautioning that crossing the bridge would be a bit iffy.
Bill reminded me that just up the road was where several years ago, I carried a bucket of huckleberries, thought I heard something crashing in the brush, took off to run only fell on my face, dumping the entire contents of the berry bucket.
That klutzy event occurred just beyond Dougal's Loop where Bill had planted one of his first geocaches 12 years ago. He stopped to see if the cache was still there.
Sure enough, it was. It's been a year since anyone found that cache. So, if cachers are looking for spectacular beauty and a long time cache, the road to Canuck Basin provides a nice option.
All in all, it was a relaxing afternoon for the three of us. We stopped a few times, just to take in the views and enjoyed the reminisching. I switched my Crocs for tenny runners during a short hike through bear grass, which I believe looks a lot like churros.
When we did step out of the pickup, we often encountered a pleasant breeze which cut the heat considerably. So, with hot days ahead, maybe a mountain drive might be an option. At the higher levels wildflowers are abundant, brilliant and free of dust, adding a lovely touch to magnificent scenery.
Enjoy the photos. Happy Monday.
I wonder if Bo and Ruth are still an item. |
Thanks for the comment last week about huckleberries up Rapid Lightening Creek. We went up on Saturday and got about two gallons! It was a spectacular day, made even more so, by the fact it was my seven year old grandson's first huckleberry picking adventure! He thought it was awesome and when my daughter and I decided to call it quits, he commented, "That's unfortunate!" LOL
We passed you on the road. We were going up. You were coming down.
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