Sunday, August 13, 2017

Animal Action in Selle

The Draft Horse Show is just over a month away, and South Center Valley Road offers premium viewing of preliminaries leading up to the big show. 

Yesterday my treat came in the midst of a lawn project as Coe, Gary and friend came in the driveway with their team of Percherons.  I told them they could turn the team around in the field along the lane.  As they headed out there, I grabbed my camera and then started clicking as dramatic action ensued out pasture way. 

Lily and Lefty were pretty excited about the visitors, so much so that Lily put on a bucking expedition in her pasture.  I was so focused on the team that I missed catching her performance.  

Could be this bunch might come by again because the lane pasture offers a perfect turnaround spot. 

I don't know if it was in anticipation of the cooler weather or if last evening was a bit more comfortable, but I do know that Bill, the dogs and I spent more time than usual outside. 

After a dinner of pork chops, chicken breasts, fresh cukes and some cheese bread, we just plain enjoyed our doggies in the front yard.  Starting this week, Liam is going to school to learn about agility moves.  He's already learned a lot, thanks to chuck-it.

Liam is the main chuck-it star while Kiwi and Foster are quite content to be wannabes. Just give them a ball and they'll play second fiddle to their acrobatic friend most any night. 

Occasionally, dear Kiwi fetches an extra chuck-it ball, just to remind Liam that she still has her stuff.  One evening this week, she actually had two balls in her mouth.  Don't ask me how. 

While chuck-it was going on at the Lovestead front yard, a variety of high-pitched bird sounds began wafting through the air from the north.  After a minute or so, we recognized the sounds of turkeys, doing whatever turkeys do as they pass through pastures, woods or lawns. 

Things were pretty lively as I left the chuck-it program and walked on down the road to see about three dozen gobblers.  Two of the birds were engaged in a conference, and I'm not sure yet where their passions were headed. 

It never ended up in any physical action so I'm not really sure if it was love or war, but it was quite a show for both me and the rest of the birds gathered in Gary's pasture. 

Eventually, the group disbanded, going their separate ways.  

All in all, the animals in the neighborhood provided a very entertaining day, and now that it's cooling off, maybe we'll get to enjoy some more of their antics. 

Happy Sunday. Enjoy the photos. 


Anonymous said...

The Donald? Good one. You should send it to him. Can pictures be tweeted?

Ann said...

I love two things: all of your turkey captions and the anonymous comment.