Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Bright Spots on an EERIE Day

Not much more to say about the smoke, except, of course, we all wish that a miracle would happen and a surprise rain storm (with no thunder and lightning) would pass through the entire West and wash away the fires and the smoke and cleanse the landscape. 

Twould be nice, but they say this will continue, so we'll bear with it.  

There were a few bright spots in the midst of eerie atmosphere yesterday.  John came and put shoes on Lily.  With luck, sometime I'll get to ride her. As always, John, Bill and I enjoyed some good discussions about life and making the most of every day. 

Nice to have that outlook at our ages.  John doesn't like to hear the word "old."  I think that's because he provides a great example of keeping the mind and the body actively involved.  

So, it's always inspiring, even on a smoky day, when he comes around and shares his experiences and his wisdom.  We get much more than four shoes nailed on four hooves with his visits. 

As I walked around the place (yes, in the smoky air), the chard which has looked pathetic all summer has finally started looking like beautiful chard.  

And, the plums are ripening and beautiful on that overloaded tree (the other overloaded tree of purple plums has been picked as far up as I can reach, and it has supplied a lot of folks nice plum experiences).

Liam and Lefty had a conversation or two when I took the dogs down the lane to play. Liam thinks he needs to be right in there with Lefty, but Mom says no. So, the two keep their distance and a fence between them. 

During this dry, dry summer I have indulged with the hose to quench the ever-present thirst of my deck and manure-spreader flowers, and it's nice to have a few colorful points of light in the dry and dead areas around the lawn. 

So, yes, we're all growing impatient as this scary and challenging hot, dry weather takes its toll, but this is definitely a time for finding the half-full cups.  They are there, if we just look for them. 

Wishing everyone the best of days and a few bright spots as we endure the smoke. 

And, of course, the very best wishes go out to my son Willie, to all my teaching friends, to the school district staff, and to all students (I know of one who is beginning kindergarten today; she liked her plums and told me so at Yoke's yesterday).   

Hope you all have a wonderful year. 

Happy Tuesday. 

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