Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saturday Slightly Nippy

Change is in the air, as is cold!  

After coming in from morning chores, I told Bill the overnight frost wasn't really that bad. Later, however, I looked a little closer and touched a few bean leaves, quickly realizing this first frost of the year is rather deceiving. It did more damage than I originally thought. 

My latest planting of green beans, loaded with blossoms, may not make it. 

And, they were covered overnight. These beans were my only real garden concern because the few tomatoes on the vines and a few cukes came in with a bucket last night.

This was not a good tomato year at the Lovestead.  I think I need new garden dirt because each plant had only a few fruits, and the fruits turned out to be all shapes and sizes. 

With this year's garden intentionally planned as much smaller than usual (I made that decision before our trip to Ireland), I don't have too much work to do to clean up the plot. Cuke vines and tomatoes can go today to make way for the new layers of dirt.

The frost also brings the majority of my morning watering to an end especially after I move my back yard pots to the front deck where they may survive the cold nights ahead.   

Happily, all the flowers seemed to have survived the night.  

Last evening I walked around the yard while the dogs were playing and snapped a few flower photos just in case.  

Looks like most will live to brighten yet another day. 

Speaking of changes, last night I pulled out the space heater for the garage, plugging it in to the same spot where a fan has been running off and on for the past two months. Gotta keep those puppies warm. 

On this crisp fall Saturday morning, sunshine is making its way through another edition of smoky air, and a hint or two of fall color is starting to appear. 

And, the best part: those cars at the top did not have an inch of snow on them like some folks in Montana woke up to see yesterday. 

Let's hope that's still a long way off. 

Happy Saturday. 


Murray's shed on this morning's walk through the neighborhood. 

Realizing that First Avenue in downtown Sandpoint is torn up for sewer work, I left my hairdresser's salon and decided a trip across the Long Bridge would be easier and much more enjoyable than navigating another route through town.

That decision reaped its rewards with stunning views of the deep blue waters of lake.  Even all that tansy at a spot along Lakeshore Drive, with the lake as its backdrop, looked kinda pretty.  

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