Monday, October 09, 2017

Brush Lake Autumn Beauty

When we took off yesterday afternoon to experience yet another autumn-colors fix, our plan was to drive up the Myrtle Creek Road northwest of Bonners Ferry.  

Bill suggested that area because it has a lot of south slopes with plenty of sunshine.  

That was not the case, however, as we rolled down into Bonners Ferry and saw a good supply of dark rain clouds hovering over the mountains west of the Kootenai Valley.

So, he suggested that we go to Brush Lake or to Hall Mountain, both on the east side of the highway headed toward Canada.  

Twas blue sky and white billowy clouds that direction.

Bill, who spent many years working on forest land throughout Boundary County, also knew of a network of trails around Brush Lake, so that's where we ended up. 

When we drove down to the lake, two groups---one a family and the other, a couple---were perched on the dock with their fishing poles. 

Just after we parked, the little girl on the left had a little help from Dad and hooked a small rainbow trout.  

Dad landed the fish and then released it. 

As we stood admiring the lake, Bill lamented that the larch grove on the other side had not yet started turning its usual fall gold.  

Other deciduous trees and shrubs, however, have received enough frost bite that their leaves have begun the transition from green to gold, orange or bright red. 

We walked a trail around the far side of the lake and eventually decided to turn around since the pathway was was partially blocked from the sun's rays by a canopy of tall trees.

On our way back to the truck, a mountain biker and her adorable little black Scottie came past us.

Later, we drove down to the beginning of Trail 377, also a mountain bike route through the wide open hillside accented by rock outgrowths, brilliant shrubbery and a nicely thinned stand of tall evergreen trees.

That walk gave us some nice views of the lake and of the colorful landscape around it. 

Twas a very satisfying outing which satisfied yet another day of urgency, dominated by the need to take in every aspect of what's left of fall and beginning all over again the next day. 

Sounds redundant, I know, but we have been blessed this year, and we truly appreciate these opportunities to enjoy our favorite season of the year in gorgeous settings. 

Happy Monday. 


Word Tosser said...

Ken and I use to go to Brush Lake to fish.. have pictures somewhere of Ken fishing on the dock, with Misty our little doxie there watching him... also have a picture of the fog going across the lake... very beautiful... the last time we went they were starting to build a camping park to it.. for campers..

Marianne Love said...

Well, the camping park is finished and was occupied Sunday. Each spot has little shelters. Very nice.