"Game Day" has always injected me with an added boost of adrenalin first thing in the morning. And, that bounce to my step lasts pretty much through game time itself---even when I'm 70.
Not only does the day mean that my favorite team (at the time) will be playing, but probably more importantly, I don't have to make decisions about what to wear.
I always loved Friday's during junior high and high school when we knew we would get out of class for the pep assembly, and we automatically knew exactly what to pull out of the closet to wear to school.
I still have a Sandpoint High pep sweater hanging in my closet, but I've changed my uniform a bit.
I do still support Sandpoint Bulldog teams, but my true passion these days is the ZAGS, also Bulldogs.
And, yes, I've been wearing today's Gonzaga long-sleeved t-shirt since 5 o'clock this morning. I also wore my ZAGS hat to the barn for morning chores.
These days, and for the past 15 years of retirement, the thrill of donning the "ZAGS" fan uniform involves pure passion for the team which my family and I have enthusiastically followed and loved for many years.
Back in the junior high and high school days, however, I harbored a second motive behind school spirit for loving Fridays and knowing I could wear that the black tight skirt, the white turtleneck and the red-tightly knit V-necked sweater, along with runny nylons and whatever clodhoppers I was wearing out at the time.
In the era when girls were required to wear dresses or skirts to school, my wardrobe was modest at best.
Sometimes, plaid wool jumpers with white blouses got worn two or three times during the week, and, as an insecure klutz, I was sure that everyone noticed.
So, I'd say those 200-plus Fridays over six years when the Pep Club uniform came to school on dozens of other spirit-driven girls, we came as close to Socialistic tendencies as I've ever been at any time in my life.
We all dressed alike. We were, for one day a week, pretty much equals, and I loved it.
I have a feeling that insecurities were minimized among many other teenage girls during those Friday pep days.
And, then, along would come Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, standing at the closet, pondering what to wear, what to wear, and trying our darndest to keep track as the week wore on (no pun) what we'd worn on Tuesday, so it did not appear again two days later on Thursday.
Now, the Monday outfit worn on Thursday, that could be ancient history and maybe those who kept tally on others dress habits might just forget that Marianne has worn that same pleated skirt twice this week.
To say Game Day in junior high and high school was pure bliss for me would be an understatement. Besides feeling good about looking like everyone else in our pep uniforms ('cept maybe those worn-out nylons), I felt pretty good about myself.
Plus, I had spirit and loved yelling louder than anyone else at the pep assemblies and at the games. Besides that, I truly felt that spirit toward our home teams while standing in the cheering section at games.
And, to this day, I do vividly remember some really low, dejected moments after games we'd lost when my whole spirit balloon burst.
Some things never change.
I still cannot handle ZAGS losses very well, and as mentioned in posts during past seasons, I especially suffer emotionally whenever those losses occur during an 8 p.m. game.
Those losses mean toss-and-turn, sleep-deprived nights. Not fun. Thank God, Gonzaga's 8 p.m. losses have been minimal.
These days, the fan-on-the-couch job involves a few updates, like the announcement on Facebook a few hours prior to game time that the ZAGS are playing, when they're playing and where pretty much in the world can tune in.
It's always fun to see just how many folks are out there each time, doing pretty much the same thing we are wherever they choose to watch the ZAGS.
Also, instead of yelling my lungs out with continued cheering, my ritual for ZAGS games usually involves a lot of quiet focused time, watching every aspect of the game, and when a ZAGS player bags a three-pointer, an emphatic YES comes from my lips.
Finally, I'm thinking a lot more food gets consumed during the present-day couch potato Bulldog games.
All in all, just like decades ago, GAME DAY is fun.
Since I wear jeans and whatever else I want to wear these days without worrying about what the horses or dogs think, my "uniform" on Game Day serves a sole purpose.
It represents pride in a great team and the excitement of some fun basketball that day where a whole bunch of spirited fans in the community, the region, the nation and the world are having the time of their lives.
GO, ZAGS! vs. Howard on KHQ/ROOT -- 6 p.m. PST
And, thanks to my friend Kevin, an added way to watch the ZAGS: https://www.slipperstillfits.com/2017/11/14/16647670/gonzaga-howard-time-tv-schedule-how-to-stream-online
Not only does the day mean that my favorite team (at the time) will be playing, but probably more importantly, I don't have to make decisions about what to wear.
I always loved Friday's during junior high and high school when we knew we would get out of class for the pep assembly, and we automatically knew exactly what to pull out of the closet to wear to school.
I still have a Sandpoint High pep sweater hanging in my closet, but I've changed my uniform a bit.
I do still support Sandpoint Bulldog teams, but my true passion these days is the ZAGS, also Bulldogs.
And, yes, I've been wearing today's Gonzaga long-sleeved t-shirt since 5 o'clock this morning. I also wore my ZAGS hat to the barn for morning chores.
These days, and for the past 15 years of retirement, the thrill of donning the "ZAGS" fan uniform involves pure passion for the team which my family and I have enthusiastically followed and loved for many years.
Back in the junior high and high school days, however, I harbored a second motive behind school spirit for loving Fridays and knowing I could wear that the black tight skirt, the white turtleneck and the red-tightly knit V-necked sweater, along with runny nylons and whatever clodhoppers I was wearing out at the time.
In the era when girls were required to wear dresses or skirts to school, my wardrobe was modest at best.
Sometimes, plaid wool jumpers with white blouses got worn two or three times during the week, and, as an insecure klutz, I was sure that everyone noticed.
So, I'd say those 200-plus Fridays over six years when the Pep Club uniform came to school on dozens of other spirit-driven girls, we came as close to Socialistic tendencies as I've ever been at any time in my life.
We all dressed alike. We were, for one day a week, pretty much equals, and I loved it.
I have a feeling that insecurities were minimized among many other teenage girls during those Friday pep days.
And, then, along would come Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, standing at the closet, pondering what to wear, what to wear, and trying our darndest to keep track as the week wore on (no pun) what we'd worn on Tuesday, so it did not appear again two days later on Thursday.
Now, the Monday outfit worn on Thursday, that could be ancient history and maybe those who kept tally on others dress habits might just forget that Marianne has worn that same pleated skirt twice this week.
To say Game Day in junior high and high school was pure bliss for me would be an understatement. Besides feeling good about looking like everyone else in our pep uniforms ('cept maybe those worn-out nylons), I felt pretty good about myself.
Plus, I had spirit and loved yelling louder than anyone else at the pep assemblies and at the games. Besides that, I truly felt that spirit toward our home teams while standing in the cheering section at games.
And, to this day, I do vividly remember some really low, dejected moments after games we'd lost when my whole spirit balloon burst.
Some things never change.
I still cannot handle ZAGS losses very well, and as mentioned in posts during past seasons, I especially suffer emotionally whenever those losses occur during an 8 p.m. game.
Those losses mean toss-and-turn, sleep-deprived nights. Not fun. Thank God, Gonzaga's 8 p.m. losses have been minimal.
These days, the fan-on-the-couch job involves a few updates, like the announcement on Facebook a few hours prior to game time that the ZAGS are playing, when they're playing and where pretty much in the world can tune in.
It's always fun to see just how many folks are out there each time, doing pretty much the same thing we are wherever they choose to watch the ZAGS.
Also, instead of yelling my lungs out with continued cheering, my ritual for ZAGS games usually involves a lot of quiet focused time, watching every aspect of the game, and when a ZAGS player bags a three-pointer, an emphatic YES comes from my lips.
Finally, I'm thinking a lot more food gets consumed during the present-day couch potato Bulldog games.
All in all, just like decades ago, GAME DAY is fun.
Since I wear jeans and whatever else I want to wear these days without worrying about what the horses or dogs think, my "uniform" on Game Day serves a sole purpose.
It represents pride in a great team and the excitement of some fun basketball that day where a whole bunch of spirited fans in the community, the region, the nation and the world are having the time of their lives.
GO, ZAGS! vs. Howard on KHQ/ROOT -- 6 p.m. PST
And, thanks to my friend Kevin, an added way to watch the ZAGS: https://www.slipperstillfits.com/2017/11/14/16647670/gonzaga-howard-time-tv-schedule-how-to-stream-online
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