Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Good Bye, October. Loved ya!

Simply put, I liked this October a whole lot better than last year when we had rain every single day.

What a month this has been! 

Beautiful fall weather, oodles of fun outings, lovin' a very special Tulsa-Time memory with family and a great grand finale with the Trick or Treatin' regulars. 

Yes, twas a good month filled with good times and wonderful memories.  

Welcome to November, I guess.

It tends to be one of my least favorite months of the year, as darkness sets in dramatically, continued days of falling leaves keep me raking and picking, yuck weather with too many gray days begins, hibernation tendencies set in, etc.  

Fortunately, November tends to move by rather quickly, unlike my very least favorite month of January. 

If we didn't have months like November and January, though, we probably would not appreciate the really good times of the year. 

So, we'll grin and bear the annual situations.  

There ARE good things about November, most significantly, the ZAGS. They begin their season this weekend, and GO, ZAGS comes back into the conversation. 

Anyway, I can't think of a better way to end the 2017 glorious version of October than the annual trick or treat visits last night. 

Miss Larisa is now 10 and full of energy and quick thinking. When I said she was 10 going on 35, Larisa and her mom both nodded. 

She knows the Halloween drill so well at my house that she announced "picture time," long before I was ready to grab my camera and start clicking.  I asked her if she was in a hurry to get to the next house. 

Mom, Leslie, said no. 

So, we visited a while and I learned about her teacher in fifth grade this year and that she is progressing in her Taekwando enough to put her dad Harvey on the floor.

Larisa wanted to demonstrate her cartwheels, but . . . .

. . .Mom, Leslie, said no, not in the house. 

As always, it was fun to exchange some light banter with Larisa.  We eventually got into the picture-taking session, including the addition of a fun prop "Piggy" to go along with Larisa candy basket.  

After all, she came dressed as a butcher (part of the family business). 

A few minutes later, some of Larisa's relatives came----also, McNall-Wood clan members.  They brought along a couple of friends (one repeat trick or treater), and we again enjoyed a nice visit.

This time the photo ops included with another prop from the Love house----a black and white dog to go along with Mr. Tux's costume.

When Trick or Treating 2017 ended, the kids and their parents went away with abundant treats, Bill had plenty of candy left over in the bowl, and I came away with another set of good memories associated with fun and polite kids from the neighborhood.

After giving me a second giant bear hug for the evening and as she headed out the door, Larisa announced that she'll probably keep showing up for treats on Halloween until she's 13.  

So, I'm assured of fun times for at least three more years. 

We're supposed to get rain today and snow this weekend and that means I'd better shut up and get back to the winterizing projects.  

Happy Wednesday.

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