I don't think I have any really good reason for putting "TGIF" as my title this morning. Generally speaking, that expression is usually reserved for folks still in the "9-5" work force.
Still, even after 15 years of retirement, Friday means good things: Friday-night dinner involving family and friends and a sense of exhilaration when thinking of fun times during the weekend ahead.
This particular weekend fun starts a little early as I'll be going to lunch with a couple of close and longtime friends, and I'm excited about the visit.
One has promised me that she would design me a spread sheet which she'll also manage. I'll tell her what to list on it and how to code it for times reported and level of nausea provocation.
Actually, with this particular topic, "TGIF" is totally inappropriate as are the items associated with it.
After all, I've noticed lately that rather than taking a weekend break, Friday's tend to be prime days for exposure of data to collect for the spread sheet.
I'm asking my friend to do this project because it's either my senior memory or because of the sheer numbers of scenarios I now have to keep track of in my head as we deal with the barrage of revelations associated with the United Scumbags of America aka our "leaders."
Heck, yesterday we got back to the "you don't dare go to the bathroom or you'll miss something" mode. Nasty news was popping up all over, especially regarding the guy who used to look in the mirror every Saturday night on television and reaffirm.
He may have to return to "Saturday Night Live."
In yesterday's news cycle reports of his misbehavior even trumped that of the judge running for U.S. Senate who reportedly has, in the past, emulated the relationship of Joseph and Mary
It's a whole lot to keep track of and to ponder as we watch all those two-legged creatures we call "leaders" floundering around in "the swamp."
I'm also wondering this morning why the great white hunters will soon get to bring those decapitated elephant heads from Africa back to the United States.
Wonder how they'll get through airport security.
Maybe it's a party thing.
Well, anyway, regardless of all that we see in the news, TGIF is still driving my day cuz I'm really looking forward to having lunch with my two friends and seeing the spread sheet.
My only problem in keeping the form updated is that, with the speed of how these events in our nation's scariest reality show/soap opera have been unfolding, I'm wondering the heck will happen while we're at lunch!
I'll just make sure I don't go to the bathroom.
In other news, Annie made it to Melbourne, where she became a day older before her time and encountered her second late spring season of this year.
She has met with her geocachers at the event in Alexandra, and, of course, she has also had her picture taken with the Sounders scarf, so all is going well Down Under.
I also visited, via text, last night with some other local family friends AND ZAGS fans who are spending some time in Australia, specifically Sydney.
Hello to Doug and Sandy. Nice connecting with you.
Happy TGIF to all.
From Down Under, Annie's photos. . . .
1 comment:
The news is getting to be like a auto crash.. as you go by you can't help to look, even when you don't want to.. One of the first, who may be one to bring in the elephants will be Trump Jr. as he loves to big game hunt over there.. sad state of affairs...
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