Monday, November 27, 2017

Wet Day, New Road, No Stupid Dogs

Bill made a mistake the other day when we were driving Sagle Road during our family outing to Gamlin Lake.  

He pointed at a road heading north into a forested area and said, "I want to take you up this road sometime . . . there are some beautiful views of the lake."

Well, that information had been festering in my mind since the words slipped from his mouth, so when yesterday offered some open time in the afternoon, I asked if we could go there. 

Within minutes, we were on our way, and, as we proceeded toward Sagle, rain began to fall.  That meant not the best of conditions for taking pictures, but that would be okay. 

Any time I get a chance to explore a new road, I'm thrilled. 

This, of course, is not a new road to a lot of folks who own land out that way and probably to others already familiar with the area.

But for me, it was a treat, even as we traveled through an area with private property on both sides of the road and eventually on to Forest Service land. 

Sky Meadow Road, which goes up Gold Hill, has several not-so-subtle reminders for outsiders traveling its route.  

Bill and I faithfully followed the rules, which was not too difficult.  We were not hunting, 'cept for pictures, and not one of the resident old, young or stupid dogs came out to greet us. 

So, as we made our way to the parking area on Forest Service land, Bill occasionally pointed to flagging around trees where he had done some timber work for landowners. 

As we reached the parking area with several trails overlooking the lake and Kootenai Point or Sourdough Point  or Bottle Bay, clouds were letting loose with a light rain. 

The area also offers a different perspective of Schweitzer Mountain Resort.  

All the while I was walking, I could imagine how spectacular this place would be on a sunny day.   So, it's possible that thought may fester away and when blue skies and sun come again, I'll have to return for a second trip up this new road.

Maybe on that day I'll have to watch closer for those resident dogs, and, of course, I'll know that the "neighbors are watching me," just like the deer. 

It was a fun interlude on a sports-filled day.  After almost hitting the heart-attack zone when the ZAGS let a substantial lead turn into a tie and later an overtime win, I was pretty spent. 

We kept track of the Seahawks, St. Mary's and the two championship games at the PK tournament, and this morning, we're thinking that the ZAGS could probably rise significantly in the NCAA men's rankings. 

I think most everyone who thought they might be a "so-so" team during this rebuilding year is pretty impressed with the talent.  Should definitely be a fun season, especially since they've proved themselves very worthy against some strong, high-ranking teams. 

The Thanksgiving festivities have ended for another year, and now we look ahead to several activities leading up to Christmas.  The fun and the craziness never stops, it seems.

Happy Monday. 

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