Friday, December 08, 2017

Big Day Ahead

The photos above show my newest little horse the second time I saw him and decided for sure that I wanted to buy him. 

My sisters and my brother Kevin are making this all possible for me by providing his transportation home today and a temporary stabling situation at Tibbs Arabians while I feed the hay which was stacked in our new box stall BEFORE I ever met CB.

The day I met him was just by chance.  I was walking through the stalls where Jane Bohn of Ravenwood Arabians had some mares and foals.  We had gone to look at Nancy and Barbara's babies, selected and purchased on an earlier trip to Ronan.

I looked out the corner of my eye and was drawn to this adorable little bay baby with four white stockings and that beautiful strip and "heart" in his face.  I LOVE to look at and admire pretty horses, even more than riding them. 

So, I thought about him from that moment on but knew that my extra stall was not available.  

My sister Laurie later sent me some photos they had taken of the little guy when he was just a few days old. Adorable, for sure.

A while later, my sisters asked me if I was still considering him, to which I said yes but there was no room at the Lovestead Inn for him.  

They were nice enough that day to tell me he could stay with Barbara's baby Arty for a while. 

My brother has offered his trailer and is bringing it from Frenchtown later this morning.  

We'll all gather together at Ravenwood Arabians and encourage our friend Nancy's little girl Eli and my handsome CB into the trailer.  

Then, off we'll go, headed back for Idaho and new homes for the young 'uns. 

I've said many times since making this decision that I don't really know why I decided to buy him, but I did.  Maybe it's because it's a new adventure with a beautiful animal.

I'm also excited about the fun we'll all have watching him grow and deciding just what his future ought to be. 

CB probably will wonder what the heck has happened to him over there in Ronan when all those humans urge him into that strange enclosure where he'll ride for four hours and then come out of the trailer to a strange, new setting. 

I think he'll get enough TLC, however, that he'll be okay. AND, it's for certain he'll be a great joy to me and all others who love pretty little horses. 

Thanks to all who are playing a part in this wonderful new adventure, especially some kids in Salt Lake City who came up with his name. 

Happy Friday. 

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