Saturday, January 06, 2018

Some Siri--us Questions . . . .

Good Morning, Siri.  What day is it today?

Siri:  It is Saturday, January 6. 

What's special about this Saturday?

Siri:  It is game day. 

What kind of game?

Siri:  It is ZAGS basketball down there in the California sunshine.  

Who are they playing today?

Siri: They are playing Loyola Marymount.

Are you going to watch the game?

Siri:  No, I don't have a TV in my barn.  My owners take good care of us all, and we do listen to country Western music but no TV yet.  Maybe some day. 

Where do you live, Siri?

Siri:  I live at Tibbs Arabians, north of Sandpoint.

You certainly are unique in your looks, Siri.  How's life with two different colored eyes?

Siri:  It's mighty fine.  Glad you asked.  I like being unique, and when I don't like what I see with one eye, I just look out of the other. 

That's pretty cool, Siri.  What's the weather like today?

Siri:  It is a weather smorgasboard----warm temperatures, a little rain, really slippery in some places, still lots of snow in others. It is also fun listening to the rumbling of snow coming off the roofs of buildings. 

Well, Siri, it's been nice talking to you.  You provided a nice and refreshing introduction to my Saturday morning post.  Plus, you're awfully pretty. 

Now, I guess I'll go on to the other ho-hums of life in January.  

Thank you, as always, for providing me the answers, and have a good day. 

Okay, back to the usual Saturday morning stuff!

Bill and I have survived our first week of reading the Spokesman-Review online rather than in hand.  We encountered a few bumps in our efforts, but those have been rectified, thanks to Joey, the paper's customer service rep. 

For a few days, all I had to do was forward my digital copy of the paper to Bill's email box.  

That worked until about Thursday when spies must have reported us for having two people at the same house sharing digital copies.   Bill suddenly couldn't access his paper. 

Someone from the head office had told me earlier that the powers-that-be in the cyber world could not send a copy to my email box and another one to Bill's.  

Instead, we would have to log in to the site.

Well, since I haven't used my log-in information for several years, do you think I could remember my username and password?  

Heck no.  Not even Siri could help me with that one. 

So, yesterday I wrote to customer service, and Joey was very helpful yesterday in setting us up with a username and password.  Now, two of us in the same house can access the paper whenever we wish.  

I was a bit surprised that the folks who decided that we rural users could no longer have papers delivered to our outdoor boxes had not offered a clear procedure for multiple digital newspaper readers in the same household. 

In addition, they probably also did not think about the possibility that not everyone in all households likes family members booting them out of their personal computer space to read the paper. 

Anyway, Joey told me they are working on things to solve some of the problems that come with a whole new population of people having to suddenly go digital in newspaper reading. 

Anyway, I'm happy with my efficient customer service from Joey but still wondering how all this getting in line to read the online newspaper is working out in other rural households.  

I will say that the digital paper is very user friendly and that, in some cases, I can read some regular features on my screen with much more ease than I did with my news PAPER.

Which brings to mind: will newPAPER eventually become an archaic term?  I doubt I'll be around long enough to know.  

Maybe I'd better ask Siri. 

This first week of January has been generally productive.  Our dryer is working again.  I have snow shoeing trails all around the place.  

Most of the Christmas stuff has been put away, and I may even have an updated Christmas-card list that works next year.  It's easy to miss people when you're working off from several lists from several years, so if I did miss you, sorry. 

This morning, I have to make a shout-out to a new friend, so new I can't remember if her name is Jenna or Janna.  I tend to think the former.

I met Jenna yesterday at Wal-Mart while looking for Crazy for Coffee, No. 275.  It seemed that Crazy for Coffee had moved from its usual slot in the lipstick display. 

After going down two aisles, and checking the lipstick numbers several times, I gave up and rather than asking Siri, I summoned help from Jenna. 

She told me that the lipstick in question had not moved for the past year.  She also told me the whole cosmetic section is gonna soon put people like me in a frenzy because they're going to change it. 

I was about to give up on ever finding my Crazy for Coffee when Jenna suggested we look one more time.  Jenna had her glasses on; I did not have mine. 

Her glasses zeroed right in to the slot where Crazy for Coffee had been sitting all along.

"Get a good supply," she suggested.  

Well, I took two tubes and then added my concern about buying lipstick at Wal-Mart cuz it can slip through the openings in  the cart very easily. 

She agreed but did show me some baskets designed for carrying lipstick tubes. 

By the time, I was heading toward the cashier, Jenna, who lives in Naples, and I had struck up a friendship.  

So, Jenna, if you're reading, thank you very much.  

Yes, this is a crazy post this morning, but we have reached a "ho-hum" type day in January, and besides, I am CRAZY while drinking my coffee.  Maybe that's why I like that shade of lipstick. 

Happy Saturday.  GO, ZAGS!   Thank you, Siri, for being my guest this morning!


Unknown said...

Hi Marianne. It's Janna from Walmart! :-) I was happy to oblige you in finding your favorite lipstick and in the process, I made a new friend! I also gained a new lipstick because I loved the color. I bought some Crazy for Coffee after work! And now I'm tuned into your blog. Win, win situation for me!I look forward to staying in touch via your blog, but it sure would be nice to see you again at Wally World sometime!I'm absolutely loving your photography!!

Unknown said...

Hi Marianne. It's Janna from Walmart! :-) I was happy to oblige you in finding your favorite lipstick and in the process, I made a new friend! I also gained a new lipstick because I loved the color. I bought some Crazy for Coffee after work! And now I'm tuned into your blog. Win, win situation for me! I look forward to staying in touch via your blog, but it sure would be nice to see you again at Wally World! I'm absolutely loving your photography!!

Unknown said...

Did I post twice??!! 😂😂😂

Marianne Love said...

Twice is nice. Twas fun meeting you. BTW: you drive by Siri every day. She lives at the farm just past Wood’s Meats.

See you at Walmart. Glad you like the lipstick. :)