Tuesday, April 10, 2018

CB Comes Home

Lives changed yesterday afternoon for some people, dogs and horses.  

Arty and CB sniffed noses for the last time, as CB left the stall, which is now Arty's very own.

CB met Lefty at the horse trailer where we had parked in my sisters' driveway.  

They sniffed each other.

Then, with my sisters' help, CB came into the trailer without much fuss and was tied for the first time in his life.

Then, came Lefty who had ridden along to give the little guy company as he made his way through Center Valley to his new and permanent home here at the Lovestead.

Meanwhile, Lily had stayed home in the barnyard.  Since she would be alone and possibly a bit upset and racing around, I turned on the electric fence, just to make sure she stayed IN the barnyard.

We pulled into the driveway.  Lily raced around, this time with excitement and curiosity.  We unloaded both Lefty and CB.

I took CB over to the fence to meet Lily, unfortunately not thinking about the hot wire.  

Well, Lily touched it, and we think she probably figured that little horse had a whole lot of power in his little nose. 

Soon, CB and Lefty were in the round pen with hay for munching but much happier to snip at the baby grass which has been turning green the past few days.

When all seemed calm, Barbara and Laurie left.  Actually, all seemed calm within mere minutes of CB's arrival----all except Lily, that is. 

Adding insult to injury was the fact that she had to stay in the barnyard while those two Arabians ate grass. 

I'm not quite ready for Lily and CB to have an up close and personal encounter.  Lily is an alpha female, so I figure she can get acquainted gradually. 

I don't worry too much about CB because he seems to be able to hold his own----just turns that little rear around and threatens to kick. 

Once Barbara and Laurie had left and a few mouthfuls of hay and grass had been sampled, it was time to play.

Lefty, who's rather plump from not much play time this winter, was more than happy to just keep eating.  

CB would have none of that reluctance. 

Soon they were racing around and performing.  There's nothing more beautiful than Arabians having a good time.

Bill even stopped the pickup halfway down the lane just to watch the action.  

After a brief playtime, it was off to the barn and the brand new very own stall for CB.  When all horses were in the barn, there was grabbing bites and then checking out each other.  I think Lefty and Lily are excited to have their new little brother. 

All went well in the barn overnight.  Today poses a few challenges---specifically one named Liam. 

I'm sure that it will take a few stern warnings to convince Liam that he doesn't need to go inside that pen and herd CB.

So, I'll try a few arrangements and see what the best routine happens to be.  

After some consideration of the options, I'm thinking Lefty and CB may spend the day in the barnyard, mud and all, and that Lily, if she has to be alone during this transition, might be much happier nibbling at new grass out in the round pen.

As with any new addition to the menagerie, it will be an adjustment for all, but the introductory show put on by CB and Lefty yesterday makes it all worth it.  

After all, what I love most about horses---pretty ones, that is----is admiring their magnificent beauty.

When green grass comes to the pastures, we ought to be in for some stunning visual treats cuz CB is a natural show-off. 

In the meantime, we'll all adjust to our new lives.  Barbara and Laurie have one fewer horse.  Arty has his own stall. We have one new horse.  Liam has a new temptation for his herding skills.  And, so on. 

It will be fun, and once again, I thank my sisters for their generosity and the work they put in to giving Little CB a perfect situation for his post-weaning period.  Besides, it was fun for me to go over almost every day and work with him in a perfect setting. 

The big difference here at the Lovestead----grass is coming on and I can play with him off and on all day, if I want. 

Welcome home, CB. Happy Tuesday. Hope you enjoy the photos. 

1 comment:

Dom said...

What a beautiful baby!