Sunday, June 03, 2018

At the Market

Jill Severson bakes some mighty good bread. 

I brought home a loaf flavored with a touch of rosemary. Could have eaten the whole thing but decided it would be nice for Bill to have a sample or two. 

I met Jill, who owns Bluebird Bakery, at the Sandpoint Farmers' Market yesterday. 

It had been a while----maybe several years----since I'd visited the market, so I noticed that it has grown considerably, and the wonderful offerings of veggies, baked goods, soaps and crafts aplenty abound. 

It's a festive place, like most such markets, and there was music and wonderful visiting. 

I had planned to just stroll through and take some pictures, but by the time I started back to my car, I had my camera, a loaf of bread, two of Sandy Babin's strawberry-rhubarb personal pies and two colorful bird houses, crafted by Bob Clemens.

Those bird houses are now apart of my avian subdivision, which offers various styles of housing around the yard and garden. 

I had met Bob a few years ago, and when we renewed our lively discussion of GONZAGA basketball, twas like no time had ever passed between our visits. 

To say Bob is "up" on the ZAGS is an understatement.  In fact, we almost got into a oneupsmanship on the latest ZAG news.  Yes, he, like I knew that Jesse Wade will not be playing with the ZAGS next season.  

We had read that in the morning paper. 

Anyway, I know Bob's a good man cuz he's a ZAGS fan, and he sure does build beautiful bird houses, which are then painted by his talented wife Linda.  

From now on, it's gonna be kinda hard to look out there in the yard at my collection of Bob's work without yelling out, "GO ZAGS." 

Okay, that' s a while off, but it's nice to meet folks with similar passions.

Speaking of passion, I was feeling more passionate than I cared to for several hours yesterday when my Internet went crazy and then finally folded. 

I still don't know what was going on, and there seem to be remnants of the "slow as molasses in January" syndrome affecting the performance this morning, but at least, it's alive and working.  

Much more than can be said about its performance or complete lack thereof when I went to bed.  I'm wondering if my provider is having some major glitches.  

Just hoping it's not the "new normal." 

Anyway, it's nice to be connected again and to be able to post on this lovely Sunday morning. 

Now, it's time to go sample some more of Jill's bread. I'm saving Sandy's pie for later.  GO ZAGS!

Happy Sunday. 

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