Sunday, June 10, 2018

LOVE and Stuff on a Rainy Day

We did not follow instructions.  We did not honk.

Instead, Bill pulled ahead and parked while I got out and walked along, taking pictures of the roadside display.

I could hear faint voices up above the road. 

"Congratulations, Alexis," I yelled up the hillside after taking my last photo.

No response, for about 15 seconds, then . . . 

"I will tell her," a woman's voice from above assured me. 

I took a few steps backward to see the person behind the voice standing above me.

"She's my daughter," the woman told me.

"Well, do tell her congratulations."

To say this mom was proud needs no saying.  It's written all over the roadside. 

During our brief visit, Mom told me that Alexis played on the SHS volleyball team. 

I could have learned more about Alexis and her future, but Bill was waiting (as he often does), so I said good bye. 

What a positive show of love on a dark and dreary day!

I don't know Alexis, but I'm guessing that love abundantly envelops her just like low clouds were doing to the trees further up the road to Upper Pack River.

Bill and I had just spent the entire afternoon watching the Belmont Stakes.  

It was a long program featuring a few races before the big one, but, as always, the show was sprinkled with wonderful feature stories about the horses, their riders, their trainers and their owners. 

Perfect programming for a rainy day as we occasionally left the couches during commercials.  Halfway through, we even enjoyed a bowl of fresh, homemade huckleberry cobbler. 

Finally, the time came for the big event with Justify and his jockey Mike Smith and his trainer Bob Baffert and his proud owners and an entourage of thousands in the stables and the stands.  

Would there be a Triple Crown Winner?

The handsome, big red chestnut, Justify, quickly turned that query into a no brainer, leading the entire 1.5 mile race and winning handily. 

Plus, like in the Derby and the Preakness, he crossed the finish line pretty much clean as a whistle. 

Twas exhilarating pounding on the couch arm and yelling out loud with glee.  

Yesterday America enjoyed a dramatic reminder of its true and genuine greatness, which is most often achieved step by step, person by person and dream by dream.  

And, of course, in this case, horse by horse with one larger than life victor!

Twas worth all that couch work we put in yesterday to see this happen. 

To follow up this moment with the Alexis display in Upper Pack River, what a daily double!

So refreshing and such good reminders that, in spite of the sobering and often disturbing headlines which the news brings us, our grass roots are alive and thriving and in a good way.

Congratulations on your high school graduation and good luck, Alexis, on your upcoming journey.  

Maybe I'll get to meet you one of these days.

 I have never personally met Bob Baffert and Mike Smith but have seen them both at another race track and would some day love to see a Triple Crown winner in all his gleaming glory.  

For now, congratulations and thanks for such wonderful memories on an otherwise wet and dreary afternoon.

Our drive was nice too!

Happy Sunday. 

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