Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Tuesday This and That

I posted this photo of my new red bird house for my pal Mow who's suffering with a bout of shingles BUT she's NOT gonna let it stop her from getting to the polls today to vote in the California primary. 

The word "patriot" gets bandied about a lot these days and seems to have different connotations, depending on individual perspectives.

I call Mow a true "patriot" because she is not letting a little (well, probably a LOT) of discomfort stop her from fulfilling the most important civic responsibility we have as Americans-----now more than ever---to vote. 

So, dear friend, enjoy the bird house and your experience at the polls.  Heal soon. 

BTW:  Mow says she's been vaccinated for shingles and got it any way.  She's getting the word out via Facebook about a new vaccine. 

In her words:  Despite having the Shingles Vaccination in 2008, which was billed as Lifelong Protection... I developed a full blown case of Shingles last Thursday. 

I have been on the Anti Viral and Prednisone since Friday a.m. and hope to have nipped this in the Bud. 

My research shows that there is a new Vaccine called SHINGRIX, which is given in two doses and has greatly improved efficacy. I will be able to take the new vaccine after my outbreak is resolved. 

 If you know anyone who had chickenpox and may or may not have been vaccinated with the original vaccine, please ENCOURAGE them to get the Improved Vaccination. Medicare covers the cost.... SHINGLES IS NOT FOR SISSIES!

In other news, it's John Fuller Day here at the Lovestead.  Today John will be trimming all fours and re-shoeing Lefty's fast-growing front hooves.  He'll also be putting front shoes on Lily and trimming CB.

I rode Lily for the first time the other day, and she really needs shoes any time she is not walking on soft ground.  

She started down the lane to the second pasture for the first time yesterday and hit a few rocks.  It was soon obvious, as usual, that her hooves are very sensitive, so it will be good to have the shoes to provide some protection.

Plus, maybe I'll get a chance to ride her more often, now that most of the summer prep work in the gardens and the lawns is completed. These days, it's simply weed-eating, weed plucking, mowing, watering and, best yet, watching stuff grow and get ready for the plates. 

A good time of the year, indeed. 

Also, yesterday when our Internet went completely down at about 8 a.m., for the second straight day, Bill and I got on the phone and started calling for help. 

We did get assistance from Hughes Net central.  We're still a bit vague on the real reason our Internet was going down completely for hours on end and timing out when it did work.  

We were especially puzzled when we were told that we had exceeded our monthly usage. 

Didn't make sense because our usage---if anything---is less than it's been all winter cuz we're out of the house so much of each day.  

Plus, we don't watch movies and view very few videos (since the feed is so slow--- which is a change from a year or so ago). 

As we kept talking through the why's and wherefore's and the "just get it fixed," we decided to upgrade to Gen 5.  We do not want to go through the hassle of changing providers, and we WILL call headquarters if we have problems.

So, Thursday afternoon, we should be getting a much faster feed, which will be nice.  

It is also especially nice this morning to know that our Internet is not gonna turn into a pumpkin at 8 a.m. and that we may not have to spend all that frustrating time on the phone----which all began Friday afternoon with the airline reservation debacle.   

I'm sure we're not alone among our contemporaries in remembering life without Internet.  I'm also sure that we're not alone in not exactly liking life without Internet.  

So, this weekend's Internet troubles served as a good reminder of how once we're hooked, it's hard to go backward-----just like microwave ovens back in the "sorta" good ol' days.  

Can't imagine life without a microwave!

Finally, this morning, I'm going to direct you to Annie's Camino blog.  You can find it at the top of my links, over to the right of this posting or by clicking on this link


With less than three weeks to go, Annie is planning to post more often about the preparation for her upcoming Camino walk through Portugal with Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

The main adventure begins June 20. 

This year's pilgrimage has a different twist along with the route.  This time, Annie's not starting out on the trip alone AND one of her fellow walkers is another family member, 16-year-old Justine, my grand niece and Annie's cousin.

We're all excited to follow the pilgrimage via this much-appreciated Internet.  I'm sure they'll be posting pictures on Facebook, Instagram and Annie's blog as they move along their way.

So, if you like to follow adventures, get tuned into her blog.  I think you'll love it. 

Happy Tuesday. 

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