I'd say we are entering one of the more definitive transition times.
The sun comes up a little later and goes to bed earlier.
Morning traffic, along with yellow school buses, will soon pick up.
Garden watering will soon end, as will daily sampling of two or three delights from that wonderful cherry tomato plant, given to me by my friend Shiraz.
Shiraz, I need to know the species cuz I'd like to place a few of those plants in strategic places around the Lovestead to expand the sampling opportunities next year.
In other news, Bill and Willie are wrapping up a three-day annual fishing trip on the St. Joe today. They stay at Red Ives Ranger Station and fish to their hearts' content.
When that ends, Willie will plunge into his many school activities and will probably not come up for air until about April when his first year as a head girls basketball coach ends.
Today, his boyhood friend and former neighbor, Ryan Knowles, coaches his first high school football game after spending several years at Colgate University.
Some fall sports have begun, and others will see their first competitions within the next week or so.
Next week some of the lucky ones get to attend the annual "Ha Ha, we don't have to go to school potluck" on the same day that teachers like Willie officially report to work.
As an aside, many of the teachers have already been working for at least the past two weeks. It just becomes official when they gather next week.
This morning we received a hint that we may soon transition from blah, blah, blah ugly smoky skies to that welcome blue accented by white clouds. Ah!
My barnyard fence is gradually receiving a transition, as long as the bees allow me to paint. Yesterday, I put off watering in the morning and painted fence until 10 a.m., which must be bee wake-up time.
About that time, the aerial buzzing and dive bombing in and around me and my paintbrush began. I took my paintbrush and bucket and left the area, figuring on coming back another morning.
Speaking of mornings, I wore a jacket today to do morning chores and probably will continue to do so from now until next June.
Tonight Emma from Germany officially moves in with Willie and Debbie after spending the past few days with her godfather in Hope.
From that time on, she'll have horses to enjoy a mere walk away to the barn and three grandpuppies probably a whole lot closer.
This evening we'll meet her at a beach party hosted by more friends of her German family and LONGtime friends of ours.
In general, life is changing on different levels for many of us in the family.
Last year the big headline in life-changing events involved my sisters Barbara and Laurie who retired. They seem to have adjusted to life after school teaching.
I'd guess that this year the family (and extended) members most likely to experience the more notable transitions will be Emma and Willie. All good!
And so, on this morning when some welcome blue sky and clouds brightened the outlook considerably from yesterday's day-long blahs, it's looking like a fine Friday ahead.
When the sun goes down tonight, anglers will be home and Miss Emma will be getting acquainted with her home here in America.
Happy Friday.
1 comment:
the pictures of CB are wonderful, he mustbe bring much joy to your life!! the tomatoes look good too. I didn't plant any veggies this year cuz of numerous reasons. sorry I missed you at the cabin dinner.
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