Friday, November 02, 2018

Wet and Pretty and . . .

Leaf raking continued yesterday IN THE RAIN.  

The rain continued ALL DAY LONG.

And, it's still raining today, with possibilities of even more than yesterday. 

Dogs were happy to help me, often dropping balls smack dab in the middle of my leaf piles.  

Occasionally, I kept 'em occupied by kicking the balls and several leaves to go along with them. 

I took time out from raking to walk around the yard, and I was amazed to see that blooms are still bursting from a few of my flowers.  

I also noticed that those pesky leaves, which continue to drop on the ground can actually have a rather lovely side when it's wet. 

Same is true about pretty much anything dangling from a branch or limb. 

So, of course, it was fun to snap a few shots with my camera.

For Idahoans reading this morning, I want to share links to a couple of letters about Prop. 2, which appeared in today's local paper. 

The first letter disputes misinformation/"alternative facts" conjured up for common use in opposition letters.  

The second is written by Reclaim Idaho co-founder Garrett Strizich.

Because Garrett was one of my English students back in 2001-2002, I'm proud to showcase his ability to use the written word along with real facts as a means of persuasion.  

If you are still in doubt about how to vote on Prop. 2, I encourage you to click on the links and read both of these letters.  

And, when you are finished, I hope they have helped you come to the decision to VOTE YES on Prop. 2.

A bit of light-heartedness from Annie in Sweden for a gloomy morning. 

I usually plug my nose while giggling, but maybe in Sweden, they do things a bit differently.

Apparently, Annie's not the first to chuckle about seeing this very emphatic road sign. 

According to my research, it's common to see visitors to Sweden gasp the first time they see the sign that can indicate "fast," or "route."

Annie stated in a Facebook post this morning that she always giggles about the word and its American connotation. 

I told her she inherited that trait from me cuz there's pretty much nothing that come even close to "fart" in tickling my funny bone. 

We're hardly callous sophisticates! 

And, that's okay! We probably have more fun. 


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