Saturday, December 22, 2018

Saturday Slight

Above:  a Christmas tree that caused me to curse. 

Well, maybe it wasn't exactly the tree-shaped plate filled with cookies.  

Maybe it was the killer ice as I proudly carried a box with four colorful cookie plates outside to the car. 

Suddenly, SPLAT!!!

Box, cookie plates and one old woman lay on the ground in various levels of disarray. 

 I said some bad words while lying there for a minute assessing the damage---first to the cookie plates, then to my body. 

A bruise on the arm and a sore groin for me.

A re-do of four cookie plates and then a much more carefully planned trip to the car. 

Be careful out there, folks.  

That ice is laying in wait for your usual vigilance about your steps to slip a bit.  

And, when it does, you don't just slip.  

You go "SPLAT!"  

Moreover, if you have cookies scattered about while the dog is licking your face (thankfully not the chocolate candy), you may have to extend the 4-second rule to the 40-second rule to the cookies cuz it's gonna take you that long to get back up.

For me, it may have taken longer than 40 seconds cuz I kept slipping on that  nasty ice while trying to get back on my feet.

Anywho, the aches and pains are subsiding, and I moved on to make the most of the day.

That included a drive to Bonners Ferry where the surrounding area is absolutely stunning with snow-capped magnificent mountains.  

I stopped at the grocery store to do some shopping and then drove to up the hill to The Gathering Place in hopes of buying several containers of THE CHILI, mentioned in a past post.  

That did not come to pass.  

Chili is available only on Thursdays, so I'll keep that in mind the next time I think of how good a bowl of that best chili in the world would be. 

BTW:  I even asked if they'd share the recipe.


Later, Debbie and I went to Spirit Lake for Willie's last ball game before Christmas. 

The Bulldogs played Timberlake, a strong team with a lot of experience.  

This time, although they did not win, the team showed amazing improvement over the first game, especially in defense.  

Things are coming together, and I think they'll start winning more games as the season progresses. 

A busy day was topped off with calzone and pizza with Willie and the Wards joining us at Second Avenue Pizza.

So, all in all, even with the bruised arm and other minor aches, twas a nice day, even keeping me up after my usual bed time. 

Today Annie is headed for the slopes at Schweitzer, while I think Willie, Debbie and Emma are gonna just relax with their first full day of vacation.

Bill and I will just putz along and enjoy what looks to be a lovely winter day. 

Happy Saturday. 

Coach Love watches his team warm up. 

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