Thursday, May 30, 2019

Just TBTs: Special Moments, Special Peeps

Nuttin' in particular today.

Just another grab bag of Thursday Throwbacks.

You'll just have to pardon me for the no rhyme, no real reason for the selections.  

It's just that when you scroll down through hundreds of photos, some just stand out.

They take my eye because of the event, the people in the photo or just another good memory. 

Many are family members, some are neighbors and others friends, both new and old. 

I couldn't tell you the names of any of the girls with the carrots.  I just liked the picture and remember going out to the schools where garden programs were starting. 

Anywho, just enjoy the photos.  

Most pretty much speak for themselves. 

Happy Thursday. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so love TBT! Brings back so many good memories!