Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hay! Hay!

Annie and I stopped for a few minutes last night alongside this hay field on the Rathdrum Prairie.

We were headed home from the airport, and she'd learned her Second Avenue Pizza would involve a 90-minute wait. 

So, she decided to look for a geocache to kill some time.  While she searched, I strolled around and snapped the photo above.

Must be I had hay on the mind.  That's probably because we had 10 tons of hay sitting behind the barn when we arrived home. 

All that hay needs to go in the barn or in an alternate storage place Bill set up yesterday in the lean-to alongside the shop. 

A crew is coming at 6:30, so today's post is very brief and posted long before the normal time.

With luck, we'll have the hay where it belongs sometime today.  

Then, we'll be off to the Julyamsh Powwow at Kootenai County Fairgrounds.

So, Happy Saturday from one of the many folks out here in the country with hay on the mind.

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