Monday, July 08, 2019

Monday Morning Wrap Up

Quiet, reflective serenity after a marathon of constant hustle and bustle. 

After mentioning that she could not remember what happened on a certain day of the past week, I told my sister Barbara that's precisely why I do a blog. 

When my ever-aging mind draws one of its frequent blanks, I can always refresh by going and looking at the blog. 

Reflecting on all that happened over the past few days without the help of pictures would surely be a blurry hodgepodge at best.  

Even with that, it would bring a smile or two, as I think about one of the more memorable and fun Independence weekends I can ever remember. 

Days were filled with very little time for napping, many moments when a nap would feel good amidst a constant array of faces, fun, food, beautiful sights and sounds.

Yesterday brought more peeps and oodles of visiting as one group would leave and another would come in the driveway. 

It also brought an end to the wonderful encampment next door at the Meserve Preserve.

 I was picking raspberries yesterday when I heard sounds of something resembling reveille. 

Seemed like the troops were maybe setting off for the day, and soon I saw the first motor home head down the road.

What fun it was to hear the kids playing and chattering next door for three days!  I'm sure the neighbors and their visitors enjoyed a very special time.

Over here yesterday, there was horsing around, especially for Lily as she obliged each rider who climbed aboard for short trips around the place.

Later in the day, Debbie, Alicia and Emma, Jr. came by after Andrew and Willie headed to Lightning Creek for fishing. 

During their visit Annie and Bill took off the airport for Annie's flight back to Seattle.  

The day was topped off with Debbie, Emma, Alicia and I chomping on fried chicken and leftovers in the travel trailer next to the deck.  

Twas great "glamping" for the humans and the dogs, who sure did like the smell of that chicken. 

Today we return to routine but happily so with great memories of each and every face and each and every segment of a meaningful, lively and great weekend.

Thanks to all who joined us and contributed to such wonderful and unique imagery of the past four days. 

Happy Monday. 

Miss Marlo and I have developed a lovely friendship ever since Marlo helped name CB. 

Jade, the fourth triplet and a member of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe, rode Lily for the first time yesterday.

If all goes well, she'll be riding Lily again this weekend at a local horse show in her traditional regalia.   

Terra came by for a few hours on Saturday and practiced her showmanship with Lefty. 

Annie was the first to climb aboard Lily to warm her up.

 Yesterday's riders sat in the Australian stock saddle as they plodded around the place. 

CB's official naming committee of  Heather, Judge, Marlo and Bishop, from Salt Lake City, enjoyed some quality visiting time yesterday.

And, of course, CB put on a show in the barnyard. 

                                                                          Laura Laumatia Photo

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