Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Seasonal Passage

Seasons of the day.

Seasons of the year.

Seasons of life.

Some, oft repeated.

Some come, go and never return again.

Some give.

Some take.

Some reap.

Some sow.

Some inspire.

All remind us of fleeting aspects of our days, our years and our lives.

Over time, they also teach us to immerse ourselves and make the most of them, lest they never return again. 

Good luck to all young people and their mentors (including Will Love) as they embark on another special season of life:  teaching and learning. 

For the rest of us, be glad that the seasons of days, years and lives continue to carry us through the journey of learning, clear to the end of our respective roads.  

Annie's Camino . . . . A "Season Finale."

Just received a text from her, and she is very close to reaching Santiago.  

She was planning to arrive tomorrow, but when she and her group saw this sign, they decided to move on.

So, today, she completes a third Camino de Santiago.  

Congratulations, Annie. 

Check out her blog for updates and more. 

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