Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Assorted Voices Period Space, Space

If ya need some company while you're out keeping your distance from other humans by jogging, Tauser's the man for you.

He's oblivious to any of the current "stay home" directives.  

He's also totally oblivious to the fact that there's a virus going around. 

Tauser and I got to know each other up close and personal yesterday after he  had followed a jogger for several miles.

EZ Peasy, it seemed to me as one friend called and said another friend was out jogging in our area and worried that the plump Beagle which had followed her SO far (at least five miles) might just have a heart attack.  

She also told my friend who called me that she knew where the dog lived.

Of course, I can do that!  

Well, it wasn't that simple. 

The home where she thought Tauser lived had nobody home, or they were practicing social isolation cuz nobody answered the door. 

So, I went to the neighbor's house. 

Nope, she'd never seen that "cute, sweet dog." 

By this time, my morning latte bladder was reminding me emphatically and nonstop that it needed relief---and soon!   

Well, even I who HAS asked people if I could use their bathroom knew the current rules and did not want to put anyone in jeopardy of my germs. 

So, I moved on (all the time posting on social media about this charming dog in my car and hoping my phone would go "ping" and someone would be thrilled to know about their long, lost Beagle. 

I also posted that I was headed to the shelter.

At the shelter, nobody answered the door----for at least four pushes of the doorbell. 

Eventually, a staff member came, poked her head out the door, noting right away that Tauser and I were not welcome inside.

Eventually, after I said "no," that I did not want to take Tauser home and wait until someone claimed him (been there, done that with stray dogs), she relented and asked if I could bring him back at noon. 

YES, I said, noting my bladder urgency but also knowing that she was abiding by the rules and could not let me in. 

Thank God for the nice folks at Schweitzer Conoco.  

Relief came and then the drive home where Tauser stayed for the next couple of hours in our little kennel while our dogs were locked in the garage, wondering just who that mutt was out there getting all the special treatment. 

Long story short, Bill and I took Tauser back at noon.  Soon his picture was appearing all over social media, including the shelter page. 

Later, a friend asked me if that dog perked up to the name "Hauser."  

To which I said, no, that name had never occurred to me.  She also told me that if it did, he was probably the neighbor's dog. 

Within minutes, I was texting back and forth with Tauser's owner, a former student and learning his habits, which include an affinity with joggers.

She would be picking up Tauser (as she called him) at 4, and all would be well. 

Should, in the future, Tauser take off within a ten-mile radius of Kootenai or the general Selle Valley, I have his phone number. 

Seems all pets are blissfully unaware that virus havoc has taken over the world. 

And, that is SO good because they serve as much needed therapy in their bliss, if they stay home, that is. 

And, our Sunny stays home in the barn and brings me delight several times a day. 

My friend Helen does more than edit my blog every morning and alert me to the typos and other glitches. 

Helen is one of the amazing human beings who inhabit this planet. 

There are lots of them, ya know. 

I'll briefly tell you that I told Helen a story about a doctor friend of mine---the same doctor friend that Helen credits with saving her life several years ago when she came down with a somewhat uncommon affliction. 

When I told Helen my doctor friend was headed off to heal the ill and had mentioned a possible need for masks where she's currently practicing, Helen went to work and crafted the beauties you see below. 

I do believe she has also galvanized her usual knitting group to do the same. 

Helen, these masks are just as beautiful as you. 

I know my friend Helen is not alone as I have seen several samples of home-crafted masks on Facebook posts. 

Heroes abound everywhere in this uncertain time!

The mission is to get through this, and every little bit of positive energy and creativity helps. 

We are blessed to live in a great community, and we appreciate all of your support. We intend to stay open at this time and produce meat for all of you. Due to the rush the last two weeks, we are asking for you to call in your orders. 

 We are producing as fast as we can, but want to maintain our high quality that you are all used to. Once you place your order, we will call when it is ready for pick-up. At that point, we will make plans with you regarding pick-up and payment.

We know this is a new time for all of us, and we appreciate your understanding and patients with us. We are trying to keep our employees safe, so we can continue to produce meat for all of you.

We really want to thank you for your understanding through all this and the changes we have to make at this time. We may need to make further changes in the near future as far as pick-up and walk-ins.

Please check the front door or call before coming in to see if there are any changes. 

 We will all get through this if we work together! Wood's Meat Processing and all of our employees thank you for your support and understanding!! 

 As always, your business is always appreciated!!


A Facebook friend asked me to post this . . . 

Looking to get the word out... I am involved at the District level for local AA. here in Sandpoint, Bonners Ferry, Priest River, Newport, Libby. 

We would like to be able to reach out to the still suffering alcoholic to let them know there are online ZOOM meetings throughout the day, every day, for them to attend for free! 

Virtually all the previous meeting places have been closed to meetings. We are so concerned, especially for the new alcoholic who has no place to go now. We are there online and on the phone for all who need us.

Visit district14-aa.org for a full listing of online meetings. 

Or call our 24 hour hotline at 1-800-326-2164, and talk to local AA members willing to help.


 from our Bonner County Fair manager . . . 

'Spread Kindness not Fear'
I'm lying in bed, hoping my feeties stop hurting so I can get some sleep. I'm going over the day and I can't get past something.

My hubby and I went to Costco this weekend. It is obvious that they are doing their best to fill their shelves. Unfortunately they had no canned foods: corn, beans, soup, etc. 

I was bummed because I wanted to pick up our families annual stockpile of canned veggies, plus pick up extra for the Bonner Community Food Bank.

Today on my lunch break I ventured off to the land of Wal-Mart. I was delighted to find half-filled shelves of off brand soups, veggies and fruit. As I placed several boxes of canned veggies in my cart, I couldn't help but see a younger woman and her friend staring at my cart, whispering and eye rolling me. 

I was in an unfortunate place at one point in my life, and I had to reach out for help. It was very short lived, but I was able to get help when I needed it. 

I very nicely and loudly told these young women that the canned food in my cart was for the food bank and that they might consider contributing what they can to spread some kindness during this difficult time. 

I am sharing this story because we all get caught up in the hurry, the news, the negative, the selfishness. 

We all do this from time to time. It's human nature. How about we take a lesson from these young ladies, and stop to think. Stop to ask? 

Right now I don't have much to offer, but I was able to spend what I could, leave some food on the shelves and pay forward the kindness I once received. 

The Bonner Community Food Bank could use some kindness right now. If you are able to share, please do. If you don't know where they are located, or can't get there, please let me know and I can do deliveries for you. 

Spread kindness, not fear.


Another blog entry from my friend Connie in Hope . . . .


AND, finally some essential news and thoughts of the day!!!!  Pardon all the busy dots, which just won't go away when you cut and paste from Facebook . . . .
For the English junkies among us. Loved this tweet.
nnlove Retweeted
Keith A. Eddins
Mar 22
My wife, who’s a copy editor, tells me that to encourage distancing, the MLA has gone back to two spaces after a period.


  • Marianne Love I'm happy about this, Hon, cuz I never could break myself of the two spaces. So, all is copacetic for me.

  • Hon Walker Marianne Love I was on the cusp, probably among the last to have the two spaces drilled in. I quickly unlearned it a couple years later when I moved from typewriter to computer keyboard.

  • Glory Whittaker Marianne Love same with me! I think a single space is barbaric 😂

    • Morgan McLaughlin Marianne Love Same! It’s too deeply ingrained. When I went back to school for nursing, I was working on a project with another student who was about 10 years younger than me and she had never heard of the two spaces! 
    • She thought I was so weird for doing that (and I thought she was weird for not doing it 😬).
    • Marian Whitfield Same here. Never broke the habit. 🙂

    • Debra Showers Sakamoto I never stopped. It’s a hard habit to break. Glad it’s back in style 😉
    • Zabrielle Dillon Yes! I’m in fashion again!
    • Lenny Hess I blame you for my two spacing Marianne ❤️.

    • Don Swanstrom I was moved to 'play with words' this morning: "Celebrating the start of my seventy sixth season of living here in the two northern counties of Idaho by continuing my social distancing (solo) sideroad sojourns on a sunny, springtime, Sunday morning, viSee More

    • Linda Alt That's how I learned in typing class way back in the 60's. Hard to break that habit.

    • Sandi Terry Sorry I still use 2 spaces.
    • Gretchen Piper At least thus little part of my world is set right
    • Annie Waring Faggard I like the two space rule!! And in today’s classrooms, I’d be happy if my students could type at all, let alone any MLA rules!!
    • Sigrid Thompson Brannan Two spaces for me. Both now and forever!

    • Barbara Chance Shaver Yeppers, two spaces. Thank you!
    • Julie Groom Kraeger Two spaces for me , too!! Can’t break the habit.

    • Michelle Sadewic ......I thought this post was going to be about English riding.
    • Marianne Love Two spacesbetween horses, Michelle!
    • Lisa Ailport I didn’t know anything had ever changed. I must be old school.
    • Leslie Hart I never left.

      • Eileen Keller Jessica Keller, thinking of you with this post!
      • Darcy Sletager Bahahhaha
      • Hallie McEvoy I love this
      • Ginger Mace Collins And I NEVER abandoned it in the first ding-dong place!spacespaceHow'd I do, Miss Marianne Love? LOL
      • Marianne Love And, you too! ðŸ¥°ðŸ˜ŽðŸ˜»
      • Coleen Meyer I LOVE that!
      • Tim Benson I have always, and always will utilize two comlete spaces following a period at the end of a sentence.  

      • That is all.

      • 1 comment:

        Helen said...

        Thank you, Marianne, for your kind words about our knitting group. I know that the Bosom Buddies are making masks as well as several others individually. And I've been in touch with friends in far places who are working on this project too. If we all pull together and help each other out, we can get through this!

        And thank you for your faithfulness to your blog. It keeps people informed, keeps us in touch and most often times puts smiles on our faces which are much needed right now.

        Stay safe. Stay well.