Friday, April 03, 2020

Birthday Celebration in Age of Coronavirus

It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most

Not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes

There's no dollar sign on a peace of mind, this I've come to know

So if you agree have a drink with me

Raise your glasses for a toast

To a little bit of chicken fried . . . . 

                                                     ~~ Zac Brown Band

 A lot of frustrating fumbles in the planning, but the birthday boys’ parties are now history, maybe even with a few unique memories.

In this time of innovative approaches to old traditions, everyone did their best to see that Willie and Bill had some bright spots on their special days.

In Bill’s case, part of the celebration was really bright---even a “bluebird” day in more ways than one.

When we drove into the parking lot at McArthur Lake near Naples with our take-out signature reuben sandwiches and accessories, brilliant sunshine on a fresh blanket of snow created some phenomenal scenes.
Thank you so much, Karen, from DiLuna’s Restaurant.  You went above and beyond!).  DiLuna’s is open from 10-2 Wednesday-Sunday’s for take out.

So, Bill and I sat back and enjoyed our lunch and an Irish beer.  During that time a man on a mission with his aluminum boat pulled up, backed into the launch, did all the necessary preparations and soon rowed off across the lake, which has come back from its full drain last year.

He told Bill it was his first time out this year, and he had no idea if he’d catch anything.  Bill says streams around the lake could be feeding fish back into the lake.

After lunch, we moved on down the road, parked and started walking toward a spot where we saw the second reason for calling it a “bluebird” day:  lots of lovely little Idaho state birds flitting about and landing occasionally on tall stems.

Twas warm enough on a normally cold day with that sunshine beating down on all that new snow. I regretted not bringing my sunglasses, which meant abundant squinting.

Occasionally, Bill stopped with his binoculars to check out the birds.  Swans in great numbers which we saw on our last visit are gone, but there’s still plenty of quacking and honking from the ducks and geese.

Segment Two of Bill’s party, which also featured a Willie celebration, took place at the Lodgepole pasture at the west end of our place.

First announcement through the “frigid” air to some masked guests and others bundled up in blankets:  the pecan pie did not set up but it tastes good, so your pie will be served in bowls.”

The guest list included sisters Barbara and Laurie, son and daughter-in-law Willie, Bill, Annie, Kiwi and me.  

All kept their distance, even though we knew some closeness might have warmed us up.

Annie’s distance involved 300-plus miles, as she joined the party over a cell phone.  She and her dad enjoyed a nice conversation, as did she and Debbie.  The rest of us occasionally chimed in while doing everything possible to keep warm down in that spot.

The lodgepole/God tree, a two trunker, crashed to the ground a few years ago.  Nowadays, with its massive bare trunks, the dead tree forms a nice backdrop for gatherings.

Last night was the first BUT a small lodgepole is headed upward right in front of where the old tree separated.  And, so, I think we can revive our Lodgepole Society, which includes so many wonderful friends from around the world.

I’ll keep the area mowed in the summer and will plant some perennials in the pile of dirt between the two trunks.  And, Bill can set up his lodgepole log box again for new membership, once this insanity ends.

We might even put a table down there, along with setting up chunks of trunks for seating.

It’s a workable goal in this age of goals put on hold.

Everyone put their best foot forward last night to endure the cold and to make that lemonade aka runny pecan pie out of the biggest series of lemony situations we’ve ever encountered.

Seems like the only answer to the alternative, even though it’s difficult keeping an uplifting attitude all the time.  We all have our moments, but happily last night’s funky, frigid birthday party gave us a new kind of memory in a new kind of time.

Thanks to all who came in person and virtually, especially Kiwi who enjoyed every single minute.  Pretty cool for a 15-year-old Border Collie.

In the grand scheme of things, it was truly a welcome “bluebird” day.

And, this morning:  three more inches of snow. Ugh!  But we all have our health, and that is much appreciated these days.

Happy Friday.

Willie's very own Guinness display at 43. 

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