Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Celebrating Willie from a Distance

No fooling!

 We have been celebrating William E. Love III every April 1 since 1977. 

You do the math.  

That's a lot of celebrating. 

We were planning to have that celebration far off across the sea, but things happened. 

And, we'll celebrate here in Sandpoint, even if at a distance. 

In a nutshell, Willie, we are proud of you. 

You have distinguished yourself as an educator, coach,  journalist, fisherman, a Border Collie lover and most importantly, a rock solid human being with a good soul. 

Happy Birthday. 

On an afternoon in May, 1995 with a chance to get tickets to a concert at the Gorge: 

"Mom, you remember how much you like Joan Baez?"

"Well, that's kinda how it is with me and REM."

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