Thursday, April 16, 2020

Selle Valley Scenes and Stuff

Of course, I always stop for Border Collies.  

The peeps and their other best friend made the stop nice too. 

They were out for an early evening walk down Jacobson Road, here in the Selle Valley. 

I was out for my "go-see-some-different-scenery" time. Actually, the scenery here at the Lovestead is just fine and getting better by the day.

Still, I always enjoy a break in the routine, and now I've got an excuse to engage in one of my favorite parts of any day:  taking pictures. 

It seemed, once I had stopped that, there may be some "groundhog" influence or deja vu in this moment in time. 

I'd seen that dog before, and I realized right away I'd talked to Jennifer, probably out on the same country road, only with her hubby. 

And, by golly, Emma looked really familiar.

"I work at Yoke's," she said. 

"You went to Korea," I blurted.

"Yes," she said. 

I had gotten to know Emma last year when she would bag my groceries from time to time at Yoke's. 

When I found out she was going to South Korea after graduating, we'd compare notes cuz her departure was within the realm of our trip to Ireland last fall. 

Well, Emma, a very charming young lady, made it to Korea and stayed there for a few months before the Covid Virus set off in full motion. 

She's now back bagging groceries and quite happy with her immersion into Korean culture.  

And, so we chatted a bit more.  I went on my way; they, theirs. 

My trip to some favorite parts of the Selle area, including Rapid Lightning Creek, took less than an hour, but the evening shadows were creating some wonderful images of this beautiful part of Bonner County. 

Yesterday, once again, was a full day of tending to projects, including a little planting, transplanting, some raking and attention to my horses. 

After Bill brought home three containers of worm medicine from Co-Op, I caught horses one by one, groomed each while wearing my mask, and then inserted the worming tube in each mouth. 

Twasn't so easy to worm CB, but the others have "been there, done that" enough that they hardly blinked as the paste went into their mouths. 

And, so, happily,  that chore is out of the way until fall. 

Meanwhile, Bill spent a good part of the day walking and measuring our fields where weed specialist Lori will come and spray soon. 

We may not do much farming on our hobby farm, but we also do not like weeds.  

Today, the Painter Sisters come back to brighten up the fences.  You can see the difference in the photo of the horses taking their noon naps.

Also, today, the barnyard itself should look much better.  It's dried up enough that I can take the harrow around and around and around.  That process will help dry it out more,  smooth up the surface and improve footing significantly. 

We're gradually making visible progress with our projects around the place, thanks to mostly favorable weather and, of course, lots of time. 

Again, we're thankful for these activities and for a renewed sense of the good ol' days when trips to town involved planning and making lists.  

Definitely some nostalgia in the new normal. 

Happy Thursday.  Enjoy the photos.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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