Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday This and That

A crazy kid, yes, but very entertaining.

Mr. CB played with his ball last night. 

Quick thoughts and mostly photos, as I have another conference call meeting this morning. 

You'll notice some photos taken by our daughter Annie.  As noted before, she is putting in the miles in the Seattle area after completing her day of working remotely from her tiny apartment. 

And with the miles come stunning and colorful scenes.  Annie carries a cell phone with a super camera, so she's able to capture some of the exquisite beauty of her community. 

She noted yesterday that when she returned to her apartment in her characteristic flip-flop mode of travel, she was shy of 10 miles, so she went back out and finished the job. 

Annie's photography, those flip flops and her love of walking in them yields a nice touch of beauty for sharing. 

Thanks, Annie.

We have now officially surpassed the experience of having someone other than ourselves in our house. 

Twas a quick fix by a nice young plumber yesterday morning as he replaced some rings in the pipeline under the sink and everything was good to go. 

Very little time spent and very little space covered during his visit so the Chlorox spray project went quickly after he left.

I spent the day doing odds and ends and then some fence painting.  

There was a time last evening while painting that I wondered to myself, "Why are you doing all this . . . nobody's coming?"

Seems like a logical thought but not really.  

If we're going to be here more than ever before, that's okay with me, but I consider our Lovestead my sanctuary.

So, why not keep it beautiful to make up for all the other disappointments.  

Anyway, painting is satisfying stuff, regardless of how many people see the finished product. 

Plus, when I'm out there with that brush tidying up, I think of Ireland, the country of annual Tidy Town contests, and it makes me feel like I'm doing my part, even from afar. 

Imagining the amount of paint that goes on surfaces in Ireland is beyond astronomical, and some day the end result of all that tidiness will once again make visitors like us happy. 

For now, the Lovestead will have to do. 

So, I'll paint on!

And, I'll keep enjoying the moments of spring color and moods around the place and the neighborhood. 

Happy Tuesday. 

This is NOT our cat, but it has decided to squat inside our barn.

I saw the invader as a momentary streak on top of the hay stack in the barn a week or so ago.

It appeared again last night outside the barn and actually posed for this photo before running off to the Meserve Preserve.

I just pray that it's not a female with a bunch of kittens, as I've had more than enough experience with black feral cats and kittens in my lifetime.

I guess time will tell.    

                                              Photo from Seattle area by Annie Love

                                                                           Photo in Seattle area by Annie Love

                                                                        Photo from Seattle area by Annie Love

                                  Photo in Seattle area by Annie Love

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