Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Another WET Wednesday

Above and just below:  flowers now blooming at my sisters' house. 

Such exquisite elegance. 

First radishes for 2020 are in the stomachs. 

So far, this spring, some garden lettuce on hamburgers, two pickings of asparagus, baked and digested, and four radishes sampled yesterday. 

If the garden grows and fruit trees produce at the same rate the grass is growing, we should have a banner year of goodies for the dinner table. 

Of course, another day of rain will give the grass yet another boost.  I was lucky enough yesterday to race around on the lawnmower and knock down the most recent growth of grass and dandYlions. 

Happily, the zero-turn mower treads water fairly well because the ground has not had a chance to absorb the moisture from several deluges this week. 

At least, my efforts yesterday will prevent having to call someone with a swather to knock down lawns-turned-into-hay fields. 

'Tis GREEN, though, and lush enough for Jack Filipowski's cows to feel like they'd arrived in cow-dining heaven while touring their late spring pasture. 

We do have more water on the way, as weather forecasters expect us to receive up to a full inch of rain today. 

So, I'm keeping the doggies inside 'cept for potty breaks.  Foster and Liam will be going to Center Valley Vets a little later this morning for a blood test and shots, respectively. 

Foster will be having his teeth cleaned, so he needs a pre-dental blood test, while Liam is due for an update on his vaccinations. 

Speaking of dogs, it's pretty amazing how we've managed with six of them here at the Lovestead. 

These are definitely civilized dogs, even though one likes to play rank and intimidate the other five.  

That would be little Foster whose growl sends a message that does not have to be repeated:  stay away from MY peeps and MY food.  

Border Collies are smart.  

They catch on quickly and make sure they don't enter Foster's six-foot perimeter.  

Guess we should give the little guy a break during this Pandemic time and rationalize that he's just maintaining social distance and making sure the others do also. 

I was amazed last night to walk into the garage and see five dogs all lying quietly within their chosen spaces.  That's how it is with Border Collies.

As for Willie, Debbie, Barbara and Laurie, they're putzing along with the aftermath details of Sunday night's fire. 

Busy time, for sure. 

I know they all appreciate all the good wishes, thoughtfulness and concerns sent their way. 

With that, I'll close with a Happy Wednesday. 

Stay dry. 

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