Sunday, July 05, 2020

In the Books: Fourth of July 2020

When you're an old lady and you get to be the queen at the barbecue, it's a pretty good day.

That's pretty much the way it looked for Miss Kiwi yesterday. 

Twas obvious everyone who came had a lot of fun, but I suggested to Bill this morning, that our 15-year-old Border Collie probably enjoyed herself more than any other peeps or dogs. 

Kiwi held center court through most of the barbecue, and nobody seemed to mind. 

Fourth of July 2020 was a fun day, thanks to the collaborative food efforts, some patient horses, guests exercising caution for the universal safety of all involved, old and new friends sharing stories, occasional drop-ins, dogs providing the right amount of entertainment, the 4-wheeler and even the honeybucket.

Hand sanitizer and masks were always handy when needed. 

Bill and I worked most of the morning in the kitchen and around the deck, preparing dishes and getting set up.

Terra came over around noon.  We saddled up Lily and Lefty for the first time, and I even took my first horseback ride as a 73-year-old.  

We rode around the place for about 45 minutes before the guests, who knew horseback riding was on the agenda, arrived. 

Terra went home to her family where, like at our house, pork ribs with special seasoning were being prepared. 

Lily and Lefty calmly walked up and down the lane and driveway several times as Annie and friends climbed aboard. 

We also had some friends on a pretty fancy vehicle called a Spider slow their driveby to inspect our row of roadside cedar trees with thoughts of how they could create privacy at their place.  

Later, Willie, Debbie, Andrew, Alicia and Emma came to cook up their dinner.  Willie and Andrew had spent the day fishing the Moyie. 

All in all, twas a wonderful day with a mix of phenomenal and fun peeps, dogs and horses and food. 

I think it's very safe to say that a good, tasty, convivial and relaxing time was had by all.  

And, if my thoughts aren't adequate, just ask Queen Kiwi!

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