Wednesday, September 30, 2020

All in a Day

Oh, what a day it was!

In no particular order, spuds, deer, cows, Bob and Roberta's visit, roadside scenes, including a neighborhood road-paving project and, of course, the "spectacle." 

Twas a "love-hate" day, indeed.  

Loved the sunshine.

 Loved visiting with an old friend and with other friends.

 Loved digging red potatoes with no scabs and knowing more are in the ground to be harvested.

 Loved seeing one spud cut up in the frying pan this morning along with an egg from the dozen our friend Tricia brought us.

Loved seeing some books published by members of the Montana Gooby clan AND connecting with Jeannie Watt, whose mom Mary Ann is married to Bob's brother Dick. 

Actually, the day was loaded with loves, including those cute calves of the Russell clan up on Center Valley Road and the adorable deer in the grain field and, of course, all the oncoming brilliance of leaves in their final show of the year. 

And, then, there was the "spectacle," aka debate between two candidates for the Presidency of the United States. 

I hated that, and I hate that the leadership in our country has stooped to this level. 

Granted, some people loved the adolescent locker-room style verbal brawl among three men---two candidates and one moderator. 

And, of course, perspectives about the debate differ because, after all, we ARE a divided country. 

I personally expected better from Chris Wallace, the moderator.  

He probably expected much better of himself too, but in the heat of the moment slipped into shell-shocked mode. 

I was pleased that Joe Biden disputed---through his actions and obvious homework---the oft-repeated "Trump fact" aka lie that he sleeps all the time because he's in the throes of dementia.

Joe also did much better than I would at showing restraint. 

Yes, he was guilty of a few jabs, which could be deemed inappropriate for the specific situation, but who wouldn't be? 

 Trump persisted in showing his true colors by interrupting, lying, fear-mongering, insulting and refusing to accept any responsibility for his handling of the Pandemic. 

After all, he has given himself an A-Plus, ya know!

More than 200,000 people's families may disagree.

The debate quickly turned into embarrassing cacophonous chaos.  

I couldn't help but think of all the decorum we have witnessed in past debates throughout our adult lives where the most shocking statement might have been, "You're no Jack Kennedy."  

In a nutshell, last night's debate reflected poorly on America.

I hate that. 

It was a spectacle----a sad one at that. 

Back to love's.

My longtime friend, and constant cheerleader to many, is celebrating a birthday today. 

Happy Birthday, Mow, and thank you for your enthusiasm and friendship and love and constant support.  

We Love's, including all the pups, love you!  Have a great day.  

Another glorious September day has begun as we say good bye to this month.  

Tomorrow, October and tomorrow, only 33 days before Nov. 3. 

Who's counting?

Happy Wednesday. 



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