Monday, September 07, 2020

Lake Hurrah!

If any English teachers happen to start out the new school year tomorrow assigning an essay, at least this year, they can add a new twist to the age-old fabled topic "What I Did Last Summer," simply by adding a word or two. 

"What I Did During Pandemic Summer" could very well inject some new material with an historical bent into the usual "blah, blah, blah."  

Just a suggestion----especially because I no longer teach English and, 18 years after the fact, no longer have that Labor Day apprehensive knot in the stomach. 

What a summer it has been!  And, yesterday, for the Love's anyway, signaled the "last aka lake hurrah," thanks to a benevolent couple who moved to the Sandpoint area from the Midwest a few years ago. 

Cliff and Carol Warren are known about town.  I'd guess, in most cases, their fame as relative newcomers has sky rocketed because of the quiet ways they both have given back to the community. 

Our daughter-in-law Debbie knows that firsthand as Carol, a retired educator, is a regular volunteer at the Bonner County Community Food Bank. 

The Warrens took our family on a wonderful Sunday afternoon outing on Lake Pend Oreille in their pontoon boat. 

It was a "wherever  you want to go, however long you want to stay at it," experience.  

When Cliff suggested the castle across the lake near Bottle Bay, we said yes. 

And, so we cruised leisurely, visiting, nibbling and sipping, taking in the sights of sail boats, birds fluttering about, lots of other boats ranging from paddle boards to fancy wooden classics and even one topped with a large white swan. 

The castle was a sight to behold with it formidable wall (needed here in Bonner County, of course) and its attention to detail. Unfortunately, it didn't appear that anyone was home, so we couldn't cruise over to the shore and ask if they had a bathroom. 

"Want to go into Bottle Bay," Cliff asked.  Of course. 

So, as we putzed through the bay wondering which house we'd like to buy, I remembered my classmate Susie lived in the bay, so I texted her, asking where her house was.

Within seconds, she texted back, "a diving board and a WSU flag."  

We spotted that fairly quickly and could see someone sitting on the dock with their phone.  Yes, it was the right place, and, yes, I got to say hi to Susie, whom I haven't seen since our class reunion meeting back in February.  

It was also fun introducing the family and the Warrens to my longtime friend.  Then, we went on our way.  

Cliff steered the boat toward Kootenai Point where we would be seeing another castle-like home---which, I understand, is for sale for a few million. 

Time flew by on that lake trip, and soon we were walking back up through the Warrens extensive yard toward the beautiful home they built, which includes some stunning landscaping. 

This year they had offered their home for the annual Panhandle Alliance for Education gala.  Like everything that was supposed to happen this year, they'll host next year. 

Yup, it's been quite a Pandemic summer, and, yes, that wonderful boat ride topped off several months of adjusting and figuring how to make things work and to have fun in spite of the obstacles. 

We, as a family, have made the most of it, and, in retrospect, the memories of this strange summer will be tucked away forever as unusual but treasured. 

Thank you, Cliff and Carol, for a beautiful family memory and many thanks for all you do for our community.

 I'm sure Willie probably enjoyed the boating experience more than any of us, and I have a feeling he may have a tinge of that "knot" I spoke of earlier as he begins another year in the classroom tomorrow. 

I doubt he'll assign a summer-related essay, but if some teachers do and the students complete their assignments, they'll have valuable keepsakes chronicling their personal history of a summer like no other.

Plus, today marks Annie's last day here in the "Covid" trailer, as Bill likes to call it.  She'll be heading back to Seattle tomorrow with special memories of her own.  

We're going to miss her, and we wish the situation could be different---like if things could go back to a relative normal and she could resume her world travels, which we always enjoy. 

Frustrating, to say the least, but the Pandemic summer with Annie around has certainly brought an abundance light to a dark situation.

Her dad and I are grateful. 

Life goes on in uncertain times, and we hope for the best for all concerned.   

Happy Monday.  

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