Friday, September 11, 2020



It was a crisp, beautiful Sunday afternoon a few days after 9-11. 

The walking bridge across Lake Pend Oreille was lined with locals twirling and waving their American flags.

Meanwhile, on the main bridge, cars, trucks, motorcycles,etc. drove past reciprocating the patriotism with waves and a chorus of honks. 

My mother, a Rosie the Riveter during WWII, and I stood on that walking bridge, proudly donned in our red,white and blue, waving our flags.

I enjoyed that afternoon spent with my mother. After all, she was one of THE greatest influences in my life and continues to be.  

Mother was principled.

She was one of the strongest women I've ever known.  

She always stood steadfastly for her beliefs, almost to a fault at times.  

She loved America. 

Her spirit toward this country was unquestioned, and her spirit that day was, indeed, contagious.

She would be proud these days that her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren continue to follow her lead. 

Those of us who stood on that bridge that afternoon with our flags all stood proudly and enthusiastically as Americans---not Republicans or Democrats---nor, as we often hear, with hints of disdain these days, "leftists, libtards, right-wing wackos."

Very few cared about political parties on that September day 19 years ago. I feel confident saying that similar scenes played out that Sunday afternoon in EVERY state of our UNION.  

Mother and I  also drove around Sandpoint, where every neighborhood within our community had, in the few days since the attacks on the East Coast, come alive with impressive and colorful displays of American patriotism. 

After several days of shock, horror and universal sadness,  the shows of upbeat, apolitical and proud patriotism across our nation sent a unifying message .

Nineteen years ago marks the last time I can clearly remember seeing Americans across the country so united. 

Back in those days, most Americans stood together against a common enemy----not each other. 

Mean-spirited, demogogic and divisive rhetoric did not pit our 50 states against each other especially in troubled times when unity was essential. 

Sad to think of where we are today, compared to those emotional days after 9-11 when more than 3,000 citizens lost their lives in the attacks.

I guess when we think about it, the common phrase "work in progress" comes to mind regarding our nation. 

If that be the truth about America as we see it on this 9-11 commemoration in 2020, there's a lot of urgent and important work to be done.

That work should come in the form of positive leadership, of collective energy to combat whatever enemies have led to our present state of affairs and from the strong belief that the "truth" will eventually set us all free again. 

Speak up for the true principles and values of USA. 

Throw a little skepticism into magical thinking and outrageous generalizations. 

Read from and listen to sources from across the political spectrum. 

VOTE and encourage others to do the same.

Remember always that true patriots do come from all political leanings. 

In honor of those thousands who died on Sept. 11, 2001, and of those 190,000-plus  who continue to die here in America each day because of an insidious Covid-19 virus and an equally insidious virus of denial and blame,  may some good work be done to lift us from this dark place and these dark times. 

I pray that a day comes once again when we Americans ALL feel like setting aside philosophical differences and getting out on that walking bridge across our beautiful lake and  waving our flags to honor the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 

I hope that scene happens again in my lifetime.  


Dave N. said...

Thanks for the remembrance of what this country can be.

susan said...

Perfect post for today Marianne. Thank-you.