Tuesday, September 15, 2020

STOP but Don't Stop


When I went looking for "cleaner pastures" yesterday, I noticed the enhanced message on this road sign at the north end of South Center Valley Road. 

Yes, I was on a mission to "try to" see some different scenery and to find something decent for photos. 

Seems like wherever I drove, the landscape was filthy dirty as was the air----probably the dirtiest I've ever seen of either. 

Layers of dust have diminished at least 50 percent of any color along the roadsides, and smoky air has created surreal scenes at best. 

Special thanks to my neighbor Janice and to Samuels Store where I found some up close and personal shots of flowers just so I could spice up the offerings today.  

They say this situation will hang around until the weekend AND that there's a possibility of rain on Saturday.

That will be cause for celebration.  This week, if I were to give someone directions to my house, I'd have to change part of the description from wine-colored roof and shudders to dull gray. 

Everything outside, it seems, could use a good washing.  On my drive, it took a few miles up a mountain road before I saw foliage with hints of color. 

During this time of year, though, those scenes are far from spectacular, especially viewing them through the lingering veil of smoke.

I did, however do a double take (of pictures) during my drive, thanks to a couple of stop signs.

Someone has been busy adding their touch of creativity and things to think about whenever we roll to a stop on some of our country roads.   

I thought the "stop worrying" pretty much fit our current times.  

I'm sure many folks I know, including some in particular would say that's an easier-said-than done task.

And, I often find myself in that category.  

Yes, we sure do know how to worry.  Some of us have developed it into a fine-tuned skill set to be employed every day about every little concern that comes along. 

Meanwhile, in many cases and in this particular year, outside forces have helped us enhance the skill. 

Ironically, when I opened up my web browser this morning, lo and behold, there was a story about worrying and how to control it.

So, in deference to the stop sign at the end of our road, I'll include a link.  

The piece does offer some common sense approaches to worry which seem easy enough but no so easy when our minds get fixated on all the doom and gloom which may happen. 

Still, it's worth the read.    

As for the stop sign I found on Samuels Road, suggesting that we stop taking things apart, I wasn't quite so sure what motivated that. 

Then, I thought about the news, which does cause us reasons for worry, and I thought that could be some good advice to those who thought America needed some fixing four years ago and started "taking things apart."  

Yup, some good advice. 

If we could just find a few more road signs filled with advice like "STOP the Insanity," or "STOP the hatred," STOP the Pandemic," "STOP calling people names" or STOP, LOOK and LISTEN," maybe we'd be on to something. 

Right now, I don't see a road sign, but I'd better STOP muttering cuz I've got a load of sand coming for the round pen so that CB will STOP falling down when he tries to canter.  

Contrary to the main message of this post, I have included a video this morning which does give us one bit of wise behavior or perspective which should not STOP, even in these times. 


Happy Tuesday. 

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