Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Leapin' Liam, Et. Al.


With luck, the icicles will melt today, and more green will replace the white blanket of snow which has hung around since the weekend. 

And, my fall clean-up/winterizing projects will be a bit easier. 

The snow has not stopped that mission, but it certainly limits the effort. 

Yesterday, one more installment of cutting back plants and hauling off the dead stuff was completed. 

Many more remain, as do all those leaves still clinging to their trees.

I had a bright idea Sunday with my quince bush.  Since I don't really care if I have quince and I'm pretty sure the bush will remain resilient, I pruned most of the limbs, green leaves and all.

Why not?  That many fewer leaves to rake. 

I also drove the lawnmower out to a spot in the yard where raking up leaves had helped hasten the melting of snow.  At least four bags of leaves, grass and twigs got hauled off to the woods. 

So, the day felt satisfying. While I was doing my outdoor projects, Bill made a trip to Costco.

He reported just three people walking the aisles with no masks.  I'm betting they didn't get any free handouts.  

All other customers and staff were masked up.  His story seemed rather appropriate since the news that Coeur d'Alene's City Council had passed a mask mandate had been announced shortly before his arrival home. 

I guess CDA people shouldn't gripe because their mask wearing will last only seven more days. 

I've been hearing for months that the Pandemic will end (here in the United States) right after the election, so no big deal to pass a mandate now. 

Won't that be nice?  Next Wednesday, all this fake news of this Pandemic hoax will go away, and we can go anywhere we want once again. 

Of course, you faithful readers know the first place I'll go with those travel vouchers that came in last week's mail.  

I hope they tell the people in Ireland that because the U.S. election has happened, they can cease their six-week lockdown, which began (in their minds) just a few LONG days ago. 

I guess it's okay to dream, right? 

Speaking of Ireland, my friend FB Eileen from Dublin posted the photo below yesterday. 

It still tickles my funny bone. 

I don't recall ever cutting someone's head out of a picture, and I'm not kidding when I say I've rarely unfriended anyone with the punch of a key.  

Very few, for sure, and only because they have intrusively stepped over the line. 

I actually like having a wide array of friends with diverse modes of thinking. 

When the stuff I see is really wacky, instead of cutting their heads off or punching the delete key, I just take my right hand, scratch my head and scroll on.  


Now, for a teaser on the "let me show you how high I can jump, Mom," pictures below.  I'll note this first photo of Liam below and tell you to stay tuned as you scroll.  

My pup knows how to jump really high and do a little high limb antics. 

This scene happened yesterday when I was busy doing something on the deck.  Liam felt it was time for a performance. 

You can see by the scratches on the tree bark that he has gone through a steep learning curve to attain his current agility at aiming for that limb, eventually grabbing on and hanging there. 

You probably won't believe that he does this just to show off for me or whatever audience happens to be on the deck.

Liam is very proud of his skills, and he's happy to perform, even with no command. 

My first read with my first cup of coffee this morning included the quote below. 

The story is filled with some wonderful writing and observation.  Yes, it has a slightly political bent, but I read the story more for the content about The Boss and his message about life in general. 

He is a contemporary, even if he is a couple years younger than I.  

The piece in the link below focuses on his newest album and his documentary. 

And, the accompanying quote is SO true. 

There are times I sit down at the computer with an empty brain.  Somehow, soon thereafter, something does rise from my subconscious which shocks me and does make me feel wonderful.

I believe that's what happens to us with virtually any skill--be it physical, artistic or mental---which we hone throughout our lives.  

As a lifelong klutz at attempting so many skills, I am thankful that writing has provided me the opportunity to enjoy such moments. 

I hope you take time to read the Atlantic piece by David Brooks.  It is inspiring for us golden oldies who may not have withered up, just yet. 

"Creativity is an act of magic rising up from your subconscious. It feels wonderful every time it happens, . . ."
                                                     ---- Bruce Springsteen

Happy Tuesday. Enjoy the Liam show. 

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