Friday, October 02, 2020

Much Ado; Much to Do


Let me begin with the news heard round the world overnight. 

Anyone who reads this blog knows that I am NOT a fan of Donald Trump. 

And, so some may assume that I would gloat over the report that he has tested positive for Covid.  

I am not gloating this morning; instead, I am hoping---hoping to see a dramatic change in how our country deals with this Pandemic.  

Foremost in my mind is the safety of our American citizenry.  I believe Trump has handled the Covid Pandemic totally irresponsibly, especially with his constant public dismissal of guidelines suggested every single day by medical and disease experts. 

We have watched the number of cases and deaths continue to climb day after day after day, and they are not slowing down. 

In the past two days alone, according to Panhandle Health data,  our little Bonner County has registered 24 new cases of the virus. 

I would hope this morning that the President---having experienced firsthand that this disease is not a hoax--- would issue a statement encouraging citizens across this country to heed the suggestions that have been clearly laid out day after day after day by trusted disease experts and medical professionals for the past several months.

People's lives, in my mind, are far more important than who wins the election, unless the person who wins continues with the same dismissive attitude toward the most dangerous, life-threatening situation most of us have ever encountered and continue to encounter. 

I hope a lesson has been learned and that action will begin immediately from the highest level of government and from both political spectrums to reverse the daily death count here in America.

Basically, their clear and unified message should be to support the experts and encourage people to follow their advice.  

Wishing my best to all who have encountered this virus and to those who will encounter it.

Okay, that's my take on the national event.  Now, on to local stuff. 

This weekend marks the opening of pumpkin days, et. al. at Hickey Farms.  

Yesterday, while out looking for photographs, I took a drive through at the farm on Hickey Road, just off from HWY 200 east of Kootenai. 

The family was busy at a variety of projects to prepare for this Saturday's opening.  Biggest news, most of the activities and vendors have moved north of previous locations. 

There's a new barn, which will be used for vendors, etc.   I was told that the only event during the October weekend activities that has not moved is the corn maze. 

While talking to family members, I learned that hand sanitizer will be widely available AND of course there will be an expectation of social distancing, which should be very easy with all the outdoor space.  

It's probably a good idea to bring along a mask for any trips inside buildings. 

Anyway, the family works hard to put on an absolutely wonderful and wholesome event for families and anyone who loves getting a taste of farm life. 

In other news, I met Brenda yesterday.  She is now working as a flagger along the North Kootenai Road paving project. 

Brenda has been at it with her stop sign and two-way radio for about 20 years. She says the job works out nicely for her family.   

We had an enjoyable visit, and then the pilot car came.  It looks like the project may wrap up today.  Big change in the neighborhood!

Guess that's enough on this monumental news day, and, as a lifelong journalism junkie, I'll most likely be spending the day keeping up on the latest developments. 

Happy Friday.  




Stay healthy. 


Brenda, a very nice flagger on North Kootenai Road.

Dean and Jim Holt, part of the Hickey Farms operation. 

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