Thursday, December 31, 2020

Pandemic Life, 2020


This Year, 2020


It was love.

It was life.

It was loving life.

It was resilience.

It was tears.

It was concern.

It was life on hold.

It was frustration.

It was creativity.

It was flexibility.

It was acceptance of disappointments.

It was, at times, anger.

It was friends.

It was family.

It was participation, sometimes in brand new ways.

It was continued abundance of nature’s grandeur.

It was the usual things.

It was old friends.

It was new friends.

It was roadside chats.

It was social media at its best and at its worst.

It was “liberty” to not wear a mask vs. liberty to live by masking.

It was sanitizer.

It was insanity and constantly wondering who served the kool aid.

It was belly laughs.

It was loss   . . .  of dear friends and opportunities.

It was American democracy.

It was new ways combined with old.

It was living in so many moments.  

It was perseverance and sometimes unimaginable grit.


It was the worst of years.

It was the best of years.

It was love.

It was life.

It was loving life.


It will be love.

It will be life.

It will be loving life.

Good bye, 2020.


to a new day, a new year and a future, as yet unknown but most welcome.

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