Sunday, January 03, 2021

Pitter-Patter Matters


Yesterday was no day for taking pretty pictures. 

So, how about one from the last day of 2020 when it snowed.

We still have a lot of that snow, but it is quickly melting and hopefully washing away with almost steady rain for the past day and more all day today.

This morning's barn chores involved some dicy moments as I stepped carefully in the first pasture, delivering flakes of hay in and around the shelter. 

I soon moved to the lane because those mini-lakes simulated a wet mine field for little surprise episodes of sinking in above the pant cuffs. 

I told the horses as I led them out to their breakfast that, with luck, by day's end, most of this slop would have dissipated. 

Hope that comes true. 

I noted a while back how Pope Francis had written in his latest book that we have the challenge/opportunity with this Pandemic of determining how humanity will change, or not, when it has come to an end. 

I now look at rainy days in early January differently, thanks to the influence of that Papal challenge. 

In addition to their utter misery, these days also offer us  opportunities.

Instead of cussing them (which is okay when water seeps into your low-cut boot), we can also make the most of them by accomplishing some things we NEVER do when the weather is nice. 

And, so, I have been engaged in little segments of vision to be turned into reality.

One vision:  just think how that chair overflowing with all those wadded up clothes would look if the clothes were folded and put in drawers or hung in the closet.

Project completed.  

Yes, the chair looks so inviting after last night's project that I might even go sit in it and do some reading. 

How nice it would be to sit at this computer desk without a messy assortment of papers strewn all around my keyboard.

That project is on today's agenda.  

When January comes, it is surely time to remove the Christmas decorations from the deck and put them away where I can find them next year.

Project semi completed.  

Lights and extension cords put away, tree decorations in bag. 

Tree, which stayed so fresh, I could go set it up in the barn, has been propped against the side of the house, to wait until I can drag it to the woods. 

More decoration stuff to do today, including removing that singing Santa cloth wreath, which my friend Margarete gave me several years ago. 

This year, being attached to a deck beam outside, the Santa has insisted on doing its repertoire even when someone doesn't walk past, even when it hears the pickup door close at least 30 feet away. 

I may have to remove its batteries, lest it decides to keep the concert going inside its plastic bag in the storage room.

Bootsie will move back to the shop today.  I'll remove his Santa beard and hat, and he can go back to pretending he's kayaking for the rest of the winter. 

Heck, with all that water outside, maybe we should haul the kayaks out before Bootsie's return to the shop and go paddling around the pasture ourselves.

Now, there would be some picture possibilities. 

I think, however, that Bill is so impressed with how nice the shop looks after he and Annie acted out on a vision late last summer to clean clutter, haul clutter and store clutter. 

So, he's probably so happy with the neat arrangement of the kayaks that he'll be content to leave them in place for the rest of the winter. 

Besides, Bootsie looks pretty nice sitting in my blue kayak. 

Yup, we have at least a day's worth of wet-weather opportunities and visions.  So, as the rain falls, I'll challenge myself to see how much I can accomplish of that stuff I absolutely will not do when I would otherwise be outside.

And, I have noticed that each of these projects, once complete, can be mood enhancing. 

Speaking of enhanced moods, I think Willie was pretty happy yesterday with his Bulldog girls basketball team's return to the court. 

Twas a convincing victory, to say the least. 

You can read all about it in the following link.

You can also read my friend Connie's thoughts, in the link below,  about moving on with our lives.

Rainy-day time is a wasting, so I'm off to take advantage of it before the Seahawks game today.

Happy Sunday. 

Leaving you with a couple of photos compliments of "Ireland from the Roadside." 


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