Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tuesday This, That and Slop


Slop. Slop. Slop. 

Bill estimated that it "slushed" about an inch last night. 

I had to put on my boots and go outside to clean off the satellite dishes this morning.

Later, after doing chores, the brand-clean jeans I'm wearing are wet about four inches up from my ankle.  

A combination of rain and snow is falling out there.

It's, for sure, the ugliest morning of 2021.

At least, however, snow is not piling up like it did for the two ladies below.  

Can't imagine riding in winter, let alone in snow so deep you can't even see your mount.

No concerns about getting bucked off. 

Actually, my former student Dave, winner of the infamous SHS Ponderette pie eating contest in the 1970s, sent me the photo. 

Since eating those nine cream pies in a contest that went bad with much too much cream and filling splattered all around our gym, Dave has had a career as an educator.  

He also has a wife named Marianne.  He's now retired and waiting like the rest of us to go on a much anticipated trip to Ireland. 

In other news, I decided this morning to feature Finn for Annie.

That's the fish up in the photo above.  We seem to have inherited Finn on one of Annie's trips home this summer. 

I can't say that Finn generates a lot of stories around the Lovestead, but he/she seems to have adjusted to life on the island---kitchen island, that is.

Bill says he forgets that Finn even lives here. 

Lucky for Finn, I don't.  He/she gets fed every day and his/her bowl gets cleaned once a week.

Always fun to try to catch Finn with the ladle to put him/her in a smaller bowl while I wash his/her home.  

My goal one of these days is to catch Finn on the first scoop.  He/she is pretty adept at evading my initial attempts, but eventually I win and Finn goes into the temporary bowl. 

It's an exciting thing having a fish around the house, as you may be able to tell. 

I actually am getting better acquainted with Annie's friend, so much so that I spend time upclose and personal, watching as Finn grabs each bite to eat. 

At times, I've even detected a little personality down there in that bowl. 

Plus, Finn is handsome/pretty. 

Can anyone tell me how to tell if Finn is a boy or a girl?  Then I wouldn't have to use all these extra words. 

In other news, I helped fell a tree yesterday. I went on a walk out to the woods where Bill was working with his chain saw.

Before arriving at where he was working I could hear him pounding wedges into the tree.  So, I approached carefully. 

After Bill turned around and saw me coming, he stopped his project to talk. 

He said he was having trouble getting the tree to fall because its branches were hung up on a nearby tree.

He uses a long rope, standing far away from the tree when he gets into those situations.  In this case, he hadn't been able to coax the tree to the ground.

So, I offered to "heave ho."  

"Be ready to run," he warned pointing a direction southeast of the tree. 

Together, we pulled once with no luck.  Then, we established a coordinated rhythm. 

Two or three tugs and, by golly, he said, "Run." 

As I did, the tree fell to the ground in a direction well away from where we were standing. 

I think I can easily say that's the first time in my life I have every helped bring a big tree to the ground. 

Twas a good feeling, especially because we did it safely. 

I went on my way, and Bill went back to limbing the fallen tree.

As much as I complain when we have slop, I must say we have been more fortunate than ever to be able to get out into the woods and to walk the fields this winter.  

It helps, especially in the long month of January. 

Hoping our good fortune continues. 

And, to think we're almost a third of the way through January today.  It seems to be speeding along faster than usual. 

That's quite fine with me.

And, that's all for this sloppy Tuesday. 

Have a great day.  

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