Friday, February 05, 2021

Nuttin' Special

A Covid test nurse asked if I’ve had a sudden loss of taste. I told her, “No, I’ve dressed like this for quite a while.”

            ---compliments of my funny friend Glenn Lefebvre

Count the birds!

There were so many I couldn't get them all in my lens yesterday afternoon.  

These scene appeared just moments after I had come around the corner of the house to enter through the sliding-glass door only to meet up with a swarm of very guilty acting Grosbeaks launching off and landing in the oak tree. 

Later, when I came out with my camera, a whole lot of birds of many feathers had headed over to the service berry bushes.  

Hard to tell if the grosbeaks were among them, but it was a pretty sight. They were nice enough to stay put while I attempted to get some good pictures. 

Speaking of birds, Bill and I now share our morning owl sagas pretty much ever day. 

We are pretty sure that two owls have been hanging out in the Meserve Preserve cottonwood trees or in our woods or even over in Gary Finney's woods. 

They have plenty to say every morning, even though it's pretty much the same stuff.  This morning, I could have sworn that I heard three owls, two talking to each other on our side of the road and a rather quiet one over on Gary's side of the road. 

When I came in to give my daily owl report, Bill said he could hear them from inside the house. 

I told him that they're getting to the point where they talk at the same time, sorta like a lot of people I know. 

Anyway, the birds are keeping us entertained, and their numbers are growing.  Two days ago, when it was nice the Canada geese kept flying over announcing their presence.  

Soon, I'm sure, we'll see them hanging out in the fields guarding their eggs. 

Won't be long before we'll be on the lookout for THE FIRST ROBIN.  

We may have a little winter to get through before that happens, though.  Temps are supposed to be in the single digits for several nights next week. 

And, knowing that the frigid temperatures are coming, Bill was wishing out loud last night that we could get a blanket of snow before the freeze.

Mother Nature was listening because this turned out to be a "clean-off-the-satellite-dishes" morning. We have a couple of inches of new, wet snow. 

So, hibernating plants, like my periwinkle, which thinks spring is just around the corner, should have their protection. 

On another note,  I received an i-phone case yesterday afternoon.  With luck, the phone that goes in it will arrive today.  

Annie ordered the phone for me earlier this week.  I've been waiting since Christmas for that particular model to come in to the local AT and T store but no luck.

So, I went the other route.  If it arrives, I'll go to the local store where "curbside" service (me in my car, they in their coats) will get me all set up IF I can remember my Apple ID password.  

Since I had to use it a while ago to change my credit card, I think I'm okay on that. 

Annie wanted me to have a phone like hers which has a magnificent camera, so I'm anxious to get set up and maybe even give it a try today. 

Sometimes I think of the cost of these phones and shudder.  Then, I think about the multitude of conveniences the phone offers, and I'm thinking they're pretty darn cheap. 

This morning I ordered this week's groceries from Yoke's curbside services.  This time I thought a little about Sunday's Super Bowl and the BIG party Bill and I are going to have. 

Let's just say Super Sunday expenses are significantly less than usual.  Actually, we didn't spend too much last year either because our satellite provider wouldn't let us watch the Super Bowl. 

So, we just thumbed our noses at them and went for a drive around the Bull River loop.

We'll maybe watch this year, or maybe we'll take those few items I selected with Super Bowl in mind and take another drive.  

After all, Wood's German sausages are on the list, so Bill can bring his portable barbecue and maybe we can have one of our winter picnics. 

Decisions! Decisions!

With that, I'll just shut up and say, "Happy Friday."   


from "Ireland by the Roadside . . . 

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