Saturday, March 06, 2021

Saturday Slight


After a week of uncharacteristic but welcome March sunshine, this Saturday morning is starting out gray, dreary and gloomy. 

Time to go back to the blahs! 

Or not!

Weather changes tend to have major impacts on my moods.  

I've never figured out why, but it seems like the transition from sunshine to gray almost instantly puts a dramatic damper on my outlook.  

It always takes an adjustment AND some serious mental work to reclaim the upbeat mood and outlook that sunshine and blue skies provide us so easily.

Ironically, on this gray Saturday morning, I ran across the Atlantic piece below, which pretty much sums up the best way to reclaim a sense of happiness when the heavy clouds roll in.  

This piece offers a pretty simple formula to follow.

 I have noticed over the past several years, while doing this blog, that my own writing attempts or pretty pictures intended to make someone else's day always add a sense of sweetness to mine, especially when I come to the computer in a rotten mood. 

Hope you enjoy the Atlantic piece, especially if you're feeling the Saturday morning gloom.

Actually, I'm not feeling too blah today, as I do need some time inside to work on a writing project.  

All that glorious sunshine and unexpected spring weather we've enjoyed this week has certainly gotten in the way. 

It's been a fun week, painting fence, taking drives, washing dogs,  going shopping and generally getting out and about. 

Yesterday's trip to the Yoke's brought an abundance of special gifts every time I spotted and visited with a grocery-store face I hadn't seen in almost a year. 

This included staff as well as the usual crowd of friends, many of whom I see only at the grocery store.  

Every quick interaction,  both inside and outside the store, added another layer of exhilaration to this lovely phenomenon so many of us are experiencing as we reclaim "normal." 

When one friend said, "You're a social creature," I agreed but also noted that I'm also a loner who has enjoyed the opportunity over the past year to spend much more time experiencing that part of my being. 

It's always nice to enjoy precious solitude, but this gradual re-entry into my world of friends is every bit as good. 

And, so it may be gray and gloomy this morning, but I'm still reveling in the smorgasboard of memories of this past week, including Bill's and my visit to McArthur Lake yesterday where swans, geese and ducks were cohabitating and vociferously filling the air with their own brand of bird music.

Spring and the sun will come back again.  

For now, this morning's gloom is okay as it provides a relatively undistracted opportunity to work on some stuff I'm supposed to do. 

Happy Saturday.    


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