Friday, April 30, 2021

I Think That I Shall Never . . . .


Happy Arbor Day. 

Go hug a tree or two today.

Bill said he'll be attending the local Arbor Day Celebration this morning. 

When he reminded me that today is Arbor Day, I figured my subconscious must have been at work.

I had already organized pictures for this mornng's post, and, by golly, the first photo shows a tree or two in the West Trout Creek wildlife management area off from Lower Pack River Road.

I walked the trail from the parking lot to Pack River.  BTW:  Bill sez there's a geocache at the parking lot. 

My walk was fairly uneventful except for some geese making their presence known off in the field to my right. 

Probably the highlight of the short hike was admiring the thousands of new leaves which have burst forth on branches of the row of deciduous trees along the trail. 

Bill and I had a tree talk earlier this week after I discovered that the poplar trees just north of our driveway are completely dead.  No leaves on them this year. 

Kinda sad, but we're going to have to make arrangements to cut them down and have them removed. 

Seems this has been hard year or two for trees, sorta like the Pandemic.  Their adversary has come in waves, just like the Pandemic, only in the form of destructive wind storms. 

So, on this Arbor Day enjoy your trees, be they fruit-bearing, evergreen or deciduous.  

First poem I ever really learned came in seventh-grade literature class with Mrs. Morris.

I still remember most of it and, like Bill, the forester, definitely agree with its premise. 

In other news, hanging out mostly at home yesterday involved a few bountiful discoveries. 

Most notably, I spotted four asparagus spears breaking through the dirt and ready to extend toward the sky.  That means "Yum, Yum" in a few days. 

Radishes, cucumbers and lettuce, all planted from seed, have come up in the greenhouse and in a garden planter. 

So, the delight and expectation of tasty homegrown goodies has begun for another year. 

I'm figuring on sowing some more seeds in the actual garden and the planters next week, while waiting a little longer to transplant tomatoes and other flowers from seed. 

As we say good bye to April, I'd say it's been a good month, much better than last April, for sure. 

I can't remember such a splendid early spring, and it appears to be continuing over the next few days. 

So many "Ain't purty?" and, in the case of Mr. CB and his barnyard "dang funny" moments packed into each day.

Lots of reasons to feel upbeat on this April 30.   And, even more as we turn the calendar over to May. 

Finally, I found the You Tube version of what has to be one of THE cutest videos I've seen in a long time. I think I watched it four times yesterday and chuckled every time. 

Seemed like a good way to end the month.  Hope you enjoy if you haven't already seen it. 

Happy Friday.  Enjoy those trees today. 

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