Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Mixed Bag

All it takes is looking at the ground to see that when we look up at the trees, they have significantly fewer leaves than they did the day before. 

That's kinda how it was for me yesterday.  I didn't really want to accept the message the trees were spreading as their leaves left the limbs, flew around in the air for a while and dropped to the ground. 

All this seasonal beauty is so fleeting but, thankfully, still abundant enough to offer a healthy dose of "OMG" moments. 

A week from now, most of us won't be looking at those leaves that have created this most beautiful autumn with such supreme awe.  

Instead, we'll go from saying "Ahhh!" to "Ughh!"

My get-ready-for-winter project list continued yesterday with another cart load of dead stuff to dump, some weed eating, another round with the lawnmower and its bags and some quality time spent on the tractor mowing down weeds and dead grass in Pasture No. 1. 

Bill also moved the travel trailer from its summer spot next to the house to a parking area west of the barn.  

When he has time, he'll take it to Lake RV for winterizing.  Then, it will spend the winter in the shop. 

These have been productive and fun days, especially knowing that several days of rain are in the forecast. 


On another topic, I listened to this interview earlier today after learning yesterday that amazing CNN reporter and anchor John King has MS. 

Until yesterday, only a small circle, including family, close friends and co-workers, knew about his dealing with the disease for the past 13 years.  

While reporting on the death of Gen. Colin Powell, King finally felt the need to go public in hopes of creating awareness about the dangers of exposing the immune-compromised to Covid. 

This morning's interview with King is very powerful, revealing and honest.

Some thoughts well worth the listen. 

This morning Bill told me about another news item he has seen while scanning through the local papers that piled up while we were gone. 

The land mentioned in this story was once a part of our farm.  My mother sold the property to Litehouse Foods in the mid-2000s.  

Originally, it was intended to be the new administrative headquarters for Litehouse. 

Mother was very proud of its intended use, but I'm sure she would also highly approve of the company's current plan to provide more affordable housing for the area.

A few of my sisters' horses grazing and soaking up the sunshine at their Colburn ranch.

Pache, another of my sisters' horses.  

Last night I finally pulled out my laptop and downloaded the last set of photos from our Ireland trip.  

These were taken a week ago today. 

Hope you enjoy. 

Glenalough in the Wicklow Mountains, near Dublin . . .


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