It had all the ingredients of a perfect road trip.
Snacks for the road.
Convenience-store stop for more snacks for the road.
Brilliant sunshine.
A project: geocaching.
A goal: northernmost geocache in Idaho.
A canine friend.
Some family members.
All worked out perfectly, as Bill, Annie, Foster and I set off for the Port Hill cemetery, which is near one of the border crossings into Canada and surrounded by the breath-taking beauty of amazing mountains.
Bill remarked that I was really getting out, having gone to Eastern Washington the day before.
I totally agreed. Compared to the past three-plus months, it was like another mini vacation.
For caching purposes, we stopped at the cemetery, at the Copeland Bridge and on the viewpoint overlooking the Kootenai Valley and into Canada.
At one point we parked for a minute and looked over Boundary Creek, where just across the water lies the beautiful and quiet area where our family often gets together for picnics.
Kinda mind blowing to know that we'd have to drive at least another 45 minutes to get there by car, where a boat or even swimming across Boundary Creek in decent weather would take just a few minutes.
After Porthill, our route took us past the Anheuser-Busch hop fields and along the east side of the valley.
This route provides a beautiful perspective on the vastness of the valley known for its rich farmland.
The mountains on the west side were stunning yesterday, to say the least.
This road trip aka our day as "turists" provided all that it originally promised, especially the literally beautiful memories.
Happy Sunday.
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