Wednesday, March 16, 2022

March Day Miscellany


A moment of awe!

After coming back to the house with the mail yesterday afternoon,  I saw two big birds perched in the cottonwoods over at the Meserve Preserve. 

Noting that one was a bald eagle, I grabbed my camera and made my way out toward the lane. 

As always when the image is something I really want to capture for at the very least, documentation, I started snapping photos at the beginning of the lane.  

Those first pictures may not be much, but at least they are proof that I did indeed see both a bald eagle and an impressive immature eagle sitting close to each other in that tree. 

A field of snow with water underneath kept me from getting as close as I would have wished,  but walking further down the lane helped. 

Just as I started down the lane, the immature eagle took off from the tree, circled around and, for an instant, looked as if it would be swooping down directly to me. 

Thankfully, the big bird stayed high up in the air, seemingly putting on a show for me and my camera. 

Gorgeous creature, to say the least.

In the meantime, the bald eagle maintained its position in the cottonwood, slowly turning its head from one direction to another.  

I'm sure those eagle eyes were occasionally focused on me. 

Yesterday's typical March weather mix of a little of this and a little of that did us some little good in progressing toward spring.  

Most of the last of our stubborn ice softened enough to break. 

I think I can now take my Yak Trax off and maybe put them away until next winter.  Fingers crossed. 

Speaking of next winter, why, if we're going to have permanent daylight savings time, do we have to wait until 2023 to experience it?

Maybe if we go through the clock change two more times, we'll really appreciate never having to do it again. 

Nobody ever tells the animals when it's daylight savings time, and when we spring forward, that's a good thing.  

Instead of faunching at the bit for their morning meals or relief, they're kinda surprised to see us up and around. 

We noticed in the evening the first couple of days that Liam, owner of a very precise Border Collie internal clock, just wasn't ready to go for his first evening outing at 7 p.m.  After all, his clock had not made the change. 

They seem to have adjusted though. 

I'm trying to think of permanent daylight savings time around here.  I hate when it's suddenly dark at 4 p.m., and I really hate the morning darkness. 

So, I'm thinking when we are on permanent daylight time, we may not notice either quite so much. 

After all, I was enjoying all that morning daylight while doing chores and then came Sunday. 

I think it will be nice for all concerned when the permanent time clock comes. 

Yesterday evening, after all the rain, the dogs (all three) and I went for a drive.  I guess I really like that part of daylight savings because we can actually do something after dinner rather than dozing off on the couch. 

Spring is slowly springing around our neighborhoods. Mother Nature is at work with her offerings, and the deer were out and about. 

It was nice to be in the car, out of the mud and snow, just enjoying the evening scenes. 

And, from now on, it should only get better. 

Enjoy the photos.  

Happy Wednesday. 

For the Irish among us . . . . 

"Wild Mountain Thyme"

The movie trailer and the song. 


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