Thursday, March 03, 2022

On a Wet and Foggy Day


Today will be a better day. 

The worst of our meltdown should get better. 

According to KXLY weather forecaster Kris Crocker, the rain will stop sometime this afternoon, and we'll have several days of drying out. 

As messy and gloomy as it's been these past few days, there's been progress outdoors this week. 

The sheet of snow coming off the shop roof that sat motionless resting on a big snow pile for weeks finally broke off yesterday.

There is now separation and not much snow left on the roof. 

Good to see. 

Piles of snow along fence lines and buildings are shrinking.   If it stays warm, maybe most of them will be memories next week.

I hope so. 

The flooded barn stalls are finally down to a little puddle in each. 

More spring birds are showing up.  The resident crows are staking out their territory in the lawn. I saw some robins pecking away at the open area under one of threes the other day. 

We had a lot of fog yesterday and then some more rain.  

Twasn't pretty, but I actually found some pretty stuff around the place and, later, on my afternoon drive with Miss Bridie to Hope, where southern exposure means bare hillsides. 

If you can't find something pretty in Hope, there is no hope. 

Well, the drive didn't disappoint. 

Also, back here at home, I loved snapping pictures of a swarm of tiny birds which landed near the barn, making the ground look like it was moving as they pecked away at whatever goodies they could find.

As I would step closer, the swarm would launch off but just for a second and then swoop back down to attack that sumptuous feeding spot. 

The event was a memorable treat from Mother Nature on an otherwise dull and uneventful day. 

Can't wait for the rain to stop and spend more time outside watching spring slowly unfold. 

We're ready. 

Happy Thursday. 

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