When you can wear your Skecher street shoes to feed the horses, it's a very good day.
That's exactly what I did yesterday afternoon.
My horses now stay out at night, so I take my cart, filled with hay, and throw flakes over the fence.
Until yesterday, I could not do that without still wearing my barn boots.
So, we're making progress until winter comes back again. Looking like we might get another dose of snow early next week.
For now, we're basking in the beauty that has been bestowed upon us with yesterday's and today's springy weather.
Bridie basked yesterday. Wherever I happen to be working, I take her and a long rope and tie her.
Yesterday she spent time at the Scotch pine in the front yard while I cleaned out shrubbery and flower beds.
I don't think I've ever seen her in such bliss with the sun shining, the grass dry and an assortment of pine cones for chewing.
Bill also came home in the afternoon and took the dogs down to the hay field to play ball AND they came back with clean feet.
What a luxury it was to not have to watch and dry doggie feet! Just made my day.
I spent some time spray painting Bill's yard art fish and a horse welcoming sign his sister had sent me for Christmas a few years ago.
Of course, Ukrainian blue and yellow seemed perfect for the fish.
Last night after dinner, I was able----still in my street shoes----to walk out to where Bill has been sawing up and chopping wood from a couple of trees downed by the tree trimmers.
They did the Scotch pine, which had died, as a favor to us. Once the branches have been removed, the area looks very tempting for my lawnmowing program because it would like a small park.
I'll resist that temptation, though, because four-five hours twice weekly is long enough on a lawnmower.
Wizard Tony is coming today to get the mowers ready to roll----definitely another tangible sign that spring is upon us.
I still have lots of painting to do and transplanting in the greenhouse, so life will be far from dull.
There will be a break in the work load today, however, as it's hair zapping time again, so I'll be spending time at Sally's salon.
Beautification on any level becomes more essential with each new day, and I ain't just talking about the Lovestead.
Happy Thursday, and Happiest of Birthdays to my sister Laurie, definitely a spring chicken.
Enjoy the sunshine.
Below: a TBT for Birthday Girl and her national champion dressage horse Mani.
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