What a difference a little rain and snow overnight made in the appearance of our Lovestead and its surrounding Selle Valley area!
Snow on the mountains, greener grass in the valley---a lovely combination.
There's a sense that we are truly and finally headed to spring with buds about to burst open and grass looking more lush.
This morning's blue sky ain't bad either.
Speaking of Selle Valley, my friend and blog editor Helen penned a wonderful and educational letter for today's Daily Bee.
It's especially timely because of the Commissioners meeting tomorrow dealing with 700 acres, purportedly in the "heart of the Selle Valley."
Helen, whose family once owned a portion of said 700 acres sez "Whoa, folks!"
Please read the letter and pass it on. Helen does very thorough research before putting her work out in public.
The hours she puts into these issues definitely make her a treasure for this community.
And, while we're at it, from now until the upcoming primary, I plan to post letters I see in the local papers which counteract those full-color liar fliers that come to our mailbox, compliments of desperate candidates using smear tactics and flat-out lies to get elected.
So, if you get that stuff in the mail and want to know if it's true or not, please read these letters, written by reasonable people and pass along the vital information they offer.
It's the civic and essential thing to do in this upcoming primary because, in most cases, whoever wins will win the general election.
So, you will have time to read the two letters in the links, I'll call it good for now.
Enjoy this beautiful Tuesday.
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