New lakes, large puddles, little rivers, more rain falling, dark and gloomy skies.
It's gonna be that kind of day all day, with predicted high winds throughout the area until late tonight.
Maybe the wind will blow away the water.
While all that happens, our dogs will be in rotation mode: inside the house to sleep, out to the garage to nap, into the house again to snooze, etc.
Maybe the peeps will follow a similar pattern.
It's for sure today that the geese will be honking and flying over. I think they might like lots of water.
And, so, today brings a work stoppage on spring yardwork. I can spend about 60 seconds watering my plants in the greenhouse.
What to do with the other 85,340 seconds, I don't know yet, but I'll do my best to come up with a few indoor projects.
On another topic, after I posted my rant yesterday, Bill pulled a political flier out of our Sunday paper and said, "Look at this."
I looked.
So today, I'll post a picture of it, and have area voters do the same as Bill instructed.
Ethics at its best, not!
Bill also pointed out the square on the sheet which told its readers that the voter guide could be brought to the voting booth on May 17.
My first thought reverted back to yesterday's post when I suggested that the people who put out this material truly do believe that most voters are really stupid.
In this case, we are apparently SO stupid that we have to bring our crib sheet into the polling booth.
I must admit that procedures have gotten more polished over the years with professionally produced crib sheets for voting.
A few years ago I walked into a voting booth at my precinct and found a crib sheet left on the table right where I was to mark my ballot.
This one was old school: completed with ink pen and notebook paper.
I knew the person who left it there and never would have thought she, with her sharply defined political views, would forget who she was planning vote for.
And, she was far from the age of memory loss.
So, I concluded she might just have purposely left the sheet in there for the next uninformed/ignorant voter to rely on for decision-making.
Too bad that Marianne walked in because I was not planning to vote for any of the candidates she had listed on her crib sheet.
So, being an old fogey school teacher who's seen a few methods of cheating, I picked up the notebook paper and handed it over to the polling officials.
I have since wondered how many times such tactics have been used in polling booths.
Bill says it's legal, but is this ethical?
Again, my "old school teacher" self is coming back to haunt me.
Shouldn't voters already be informed before they enter the booth?
Silly me to assume that such a responsibility should be expected.
The best part about this 2022 primary voter guide is that a few Republicans have been left out of the party.
Talk about a party gone bad!
I especially love the "don't vote for's"!
We've come a long way, baby, and it seems beyond urgent that we do a big U-turn.
I hope that happens before I die.
And, so, with that Monday-morning political porridge, it's time for me to shut up so you can study and memorize the voter guide and maybe not even have to take it into the booth with you in May.
For those who may wonder, NO sarcasm was used to write this post.
Happy Monday. Stay dry.
And, do study!👀😍
Marianne, It appears you are supporting the slate of candidates you posted. Say it isn't so! Please!
You don't see the sarcasm?
What a travesty! Too bad the dems; who are voting in the republicans primary don’t put one out showing their selection of more moderate candidates.
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