Tuesday, November 29, 2022

And, So It Begins


I thought we were going to have a fairly decent day weatherwise yesterday.

Ha! I was wrong, mainly cuz my iphone weather prediction was wrong.

It said the morning snowfall would end around 8 a.m.

When 8 a.m. came and it was still snowing, I looked at the phone.  This time it said 10 a.m.

All day long the crazy thing kept changing the prediction, and all day long I kept moving snow, either with my shovel or the tractor. 

If that wasn't enough, I learned later in the afternoon, that our Monday drop was just a teaser. 

It's pretty out there today, but starting tonight, the snow will begin again and dump about a foot more white stuff on the ground.

They're now calling these phenomena "weather alerts."  So, we've been alerted, unlike the absence of any alert on Sunday. 

So, we'll spend the day getting ready to take it on and try to stay ahead of the new deposits. 

Yesterday's surprising amount of snow brought on my perennial pronouncement:  I hate winter!

It's all in the perspective, I know, but when ya don't ski and you have to constantly do a whole lot of extra work just to be able to do your normal work, you learn to hate winter. 

So, I'll try not to be too redundant with my thoughts.

And, yes, I agree that winter can be pretty IF no redundant responsibility goes along with it! 

Now, some great news from the sun country.

My longtime good friend and classmate Mike Parkins is pretty proud of his great-niece. He sent me some information yesterday about her upcoming appearance on the Golf Channel. 

Gracie McGovern is the daughter of Sandpoint High grad Sean McGovern, who is the son of a couple of other longtime good friends, Bernie and Patti McGovern.  Patti is Mike's older sister.

Their dad Eddie Parkins was my mother's boss years and years ago at Sandpoint Cleaners. 

To say the Brown kids and the Parkins family go back a ways is an understatement. 

In fact, I've always felt like their family was an extension of ours. 

Now that we have that all straight, Gracie, a high school junior in Scottsdale, Ariz., has often been referred to as a golf prodigy. 

Just google her.  

You'll find that in her young life, she has done more than okay at golf courses around the country. 

She visited Sandpoint five years ago, when she was 11, and showed some veteran local golfers how it's done.  

You can read about that experience in the link below. 

Congratulations to SCA’s Gracie McGovern (on the right) on winning the Notah Begay (middle)  National Championship tournament in Louisiana this past weekend. 

Gracie was playing in the girls 16–18-year-old division, she shot rounds of 68, 69 and 69 (10 under par) and won by 4 shots. 

The Golf Channel will have a two-hour broadcast of the tournament December 8th from 5pm-7pm (Phoenix time).

Note:  The tournament was held last month.  Gracie won by four strokes. 

Mike told me yesterday that she's been receiving mail from colleges across the country AND that was before she won the national championship. 

He also noted that she plays on the boys golf team at her high school. 

Truly a great and inspiring story for those of us in the old hometown who know Gracie's Sandpoint family.

   Congratulations to Gracie.  

We look forward to following your golf achievements in the years ahead. 


Below:  a photo taken a couple of hours ago when Annie once again touched down in Dublin, Ireland. 

She's on her way back to Seattle from a wonderful vacation in Rome and Malta. 

I'll post a few of her photos from yesterday below. The artistic grandeur of Rome is truly exquisite, especially when one thinks of how so much of it was created before modern times. 

Annie captured much of the grandeur in her photos. 

from Annie's FB post:  Last full day of the trip. Almost 14 miles walked. Vatican museum tour and excavation tour under St. Peters Basilica. 

Saw the Sistine Chapel again, which is so surreal to visit. Then saw the bones of St. Peter on the excavation tour. Incredible places to explore.

Then Simon and I used geocaching as our Rome tour guide, which brought us through more tourist places than we expected - the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps.

Ended the day with one of the best meals of the trip with Sara. 

Great end to a fantastic trip!

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