Friday, December 09, 2022

Shovel Day

An uplifting thought to start the day. 

 We are being reminded every day that people are willing to risk all for the right to live in freedom, peace and dignity. 

I wouldn’t underestimate the willingness of Russian, Iranian and Chinese regimes to respond brutally to the protests to hold onto power.

 But yes, I am optimistic. 

Time and history are not on the dictators’ side. . . .There are many remarkable people out there who are risking everything to bring freedom to their countries. 

That gives me hope.

        --Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House 

The comment above was one of the first things I read this morning, and I liked it, so I thought I'd share. 


I bought a big plastic box filled with large and colorful ornaments (60) at Home Depot the other day. 

Within minutes of arriving home, I had shoveled out a couple of short pathways to the service-berry bush. 

Then, I added string to each of the ornaments and hung them from accessible branches. 

Advertised as durable, I figured they'd survive the Christmas season and all the weather that blows in and out. 

Well, they made it through last night's snow, and, like the bird houses, their conehead deposits of white stuff look magical. 

The display adds a nice touch to the area outside the garage. 

I tried outdoor ornaments last year in the same place and enjoyed seeing them with every trip inside or outside the garage. 

There are more ornaments in the box, and I'll decide where they can hang, adding more festive touches to the season. 

This morning's snow, though deep and heavy, has added its own magical touch.

If only there were a magic way to have some of it go "Poof" wherever we have to walk.

Where's Alexa when we need her in the winter, anywho?

Since she's unavailable, the shovels, the tractors, the snowblower and the old human bodies are getting another workout today.

Bill cleared the essential areas for feeding and taking the horses to the barnyard early this morning. 

I've shoveled a couple of places and will get at it again soon.  The tractor plow and loader will clear out the pathway to this year's manure pile, and, if the horses behave, I'll go into the barnyard and open up more areas to make my walking and pulling the hay sled easier.

It's work, work, work, but at least it's pretty today. 

And, we'll get another workout over the weekend when even more snow drops. 

I don't think we need to worry about a white Christmas this year. 

Slowly but surely, my Christmas projects of cards, cookies, shopping and decorating are falling into place. 

The goal each year is to get the work done early so there can be as much enjoyment as possible when the holiday rolls around. 

It's looking like that may happen. 

Plus, we can start the countdown to the shortest day of the year---just 12 days from today and then we can start enjoying the extra light each day.

Seems we always have something to look forward to, even if it seems minor or trivial in the grand scheme of things.

A long as that hopeful anticipation keeps happening, life is good. 


And, by golly, on this snowy Friday we can look forward to a ZAGS game.  They're playing the Washington Huskies at the Kennel tonight. 

So, it's guaranteed to be a bunch of dogs chasing after a ball. 

6 p.m. KHQ/ROOT



Happy Friday. 

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